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Twotone Photobooth Ulasan
10 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
Ulasan Terbaru

Thanks bgt buat kerjasamanya Twotone! pertama kali liat hasil mereka di Instagram.. lalu ternyata twotone jg aktif ikut pameran wedding which is mereka ini bisaa dipercaya banget..
Team twotone itu sangat ramah dan responsif banget.. ga cuma informatif tentang service mereka, mereka juga kasi suggestion tentang backdrop dan penempatan lokasi photobooth..
Terkait dgn hasil foto, kita puas sekali.. keluarga dan beberapa teman pun banyak yang tanya tentang twotone.. hasilnya sesuai dengan yg aku liat dari contoh yang ada di pameran..
selain itu yang paling ak suka adalah team twotone ga terlalu hitung2an sama waktu... mereka mau diminta tolong tunggu aku turun dr pelaminan dan masih mau fotoin aku dan keluarga padahal udah abis waktunya 🤣
sukses terus yah!

To be honest, I had a very disappointing experience with two tone. First, the guy who I talked to at first (Ben) never come to final meeting. Which is normal..but the team came late. I should take that as a warning signal!
I chose this vendor because Ben (I am not sure if he is the owner or not) response my text really fast. Guys, it was my MISTAKE to think that fast response means good service.
During technical meeting, we asked if the vendor follow us table by table and take pictures with all the guests, will they be able to provide fast printing result? And the team said YES.
What a surprise when I know that not half of my guests received the photo booth result.
Turns out they only have normal printing machine which is very slowww..I have to wait until midnight to get all the photos!! So I have to send the pictures by myself to all my guests. THANKS A LOT TWOTONE!
Moreover, the result came below my standard. Some pictures are blur, some guests got cut out from the frame. Please guys, if you can't take pictures by following us to each table (our wedding is a seating table arrangement, fyi) and ONLY can do NORMAL PHOTOBOOTH SERVICE, do let us know up front!
Pertama kali tau twotonr dari pameran wedding. Langsung jatuh hati sama keunikan hasil fotonya. Dan voila, pas hari h oke banget. Trus dpt scrapbook yang bisa dijadiin kenang2an. Dan Kak Benza dan Kak Wahyu yang selalu siap kalau saya yg agak bawel ini tanya2. Pokoke two thumbs up banget buat twotone. Thank you for making my big day super awesome!
TwoTone unik
Thanks to ko Benza tuk photoboothnya di wedding kami
Kami puas dgn pelayanan dan sharring selama meeting dan hari H
Yg unik semua photobooth kolega, teman dan keluarga kami dijadikan album. Itu yg bikin unik daripada yg lain. Jd kami bisa melihat photobooth mereka serta pesan atau kata2 dari tamu undangan yang hadir. Pokoknya sukses selalu buat ko Benza dan TwoTone.
Balasan Vendor
27 April 2017
Hai ci Tina, terima kasih atas kepercayaannya kepada twotone, mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan.. sampai ketemu di lain event ya ci.. sukses untuk ko david & ci tina.. Thanks ;)

Pelayanan ok. Hasil diluar ekspektasi
Hasil print out lumayan. Template photostrip bagus sesuai kartu undangan. Tp banyak pose tamu yg ngasal (artinya saat motret gk diarahin,asal jepret doang). Design+warna album & cover frame gk sesuai tema, minim (sgt disayangkan krn baru tau pas uda jadi hasilnya). Alangkah lbh baik dikonfirmasi dulu,cocok mnrt twotone blm tntu cocok bagi customer.
Balasan Vendor
06 Februari 2017
Selamat malam bu.. mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamannya, untuk photostrip tim kami selalu memberikan pengarahan kepada tamu sebelum take foto, akan tetapi kami memiliki keterbatasan waktu untuk pengambilan gambar hanya 3 detik per foto dan itu fully automatic dari software kami, dan terkadang tamu - tamu nya kurang memahami, sehingga terkadang memang ada beberapa pose yang terkesan tidak diarahkan. Terima kasih atas sarannya yang membangun dan kami akan berusaha memperbaiki hal tersebut.

Great Photobooth
Aku liat promo di groupon, lalu saya hubungi langsung dan langsung deal utk paket 2 jam unlimited..
Saya bisa design tempelate sesuai yg saya mau..
Hasil printout jg oke..
Overall saya puas lah pake photobooth twotone..thankyou..
Balasan Vendor
06 Februari 2017
Thanks buat reviewnya bu Josephine ;) Sukses selalu.. Thanks
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Event Rentals
What items are available for rental?
Photo booth
Do you offer delivery, setup, and breakdown services?
Yes , we provide the best service for your precious moments
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Yes, we provide other city outside jakarta and other country
Does your rental include an attendant or technicians?
Yes, we provide 1 photografer and 1 crew
On photo booth hire, are prints included with your rental rates?
Can special messages be displayed on index prints?
What makes your product and services unique?
We have a new concept photobooth, if you interest please call us
When was your business established?
since 2011
What is your payment terms?
30% for down payment and 2 weeks before the day to repayment
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What rate do you usually charge at?
for the best rate, please call us
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
3 until 6 monts before the date
Photo booth
What type of photo booth do you offer?
Photo booth with photographer
How do you usually charge?
By session length
Do you provide softcopy of the pictures?
Do you provide props for picture taking?
What is the minimum and maximum capacity of your photo booth
Minimum two hours
Do you provide custom frame design?
Do you provide backdrop/booth design?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Does your rental include attendants or technicians?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
1 month before date
What makes your product and services unique?
We provide photostrip and start at October 2016 (first in indonesia)
Apartment Mediterania Boulevartd Residence
Jl. Bundaran Akbar no 28
Kemayoran - Jakarta Pusat 10630
We are bunch of young enthuastic people who has a pure heart to complete your event since 2011.
We always try to create a fun atmosphere and catch the moment.
And yup.. you can call us as
"The Moment Catcher"
Twotone Photobooth is featured in 0 Bridestory Blog articles:
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