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The Bali Dream Decoration Ulasan
9 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
Ulasan Terbaru

extraordinary decor !!!
Honest review , decornya melebihi ekspektasi aku 😭😭 cantikkk banggett!!! Aku sampe gak bisa berkata apa2 lagi buat ungkapin cantiknya decor wedding aku 💙💙💙 thank you reven yg superr baikkkk, humble and sangat kreatif dalam memberikan masukan2.. sampai bahkan beberapa pilihan warna, foto dll aku percayakan untuk team thebalidream buat bantu pilihin aja haha
sukses selalu yaaa buat thebalidream!!! 💙💙💙
Balasan Vendor
24 Mei 2022
Thank u so much for the review Kak, once again
congratulations for for both of u!

Pertama ketemu ko Reven meeting utk bahas konsep dekor mau seperti apa, thema wedding nya apa dll pas ngobrol2 langsung klop kyk ngerasa ko Reven ngerti mau2 kita sbg bride & groom mau gimana, langsung nangkep konsep yg ak pengenin, dari warna bagusnya gimana, di mix sama warna apa biar makin cantik & hidup, konsep table decor nya, dan semuanya deh bener2 dipikirin details bgt sm ko Reven.. trs aku sampe ubah2 trus mau bunga apa & galau2 warna juga tetep di ladenin hahaha pokoknya sampe kita sbg pengantin tuh sreg dihati. Long story short ke h-1 kita cek venue ternyata ko Reven & all tim the bali dream decor udh standby dan udh pasang2 ini itu, ko Reven jg bener2 all out urusin frame foto kita, turun tangan sendiri 😄👍🏻 terus lanjut ke hari H tuh penasaran bgt liat hasilnya dan ketika udh liat OMGGGGGG bener2 speechless simple tp cantik bangeeett sampe smua tamu bilang dekornya bagus bgt bener2 sesuai sama yg aku pengen ❤️❤️🙏🏻 trs di hari H jg ko Reven standby terus to make sure semua udh oke & makasih bgt ko Reven ada di sana sampe acara bener2 selesai 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤗 Thx God bisa ketemu ko Reven & the bali dream decor! Good job utk ko Reven & semua tim the bali dream decor!! sukses terus pokoknya! God bless you all! 🙏🏻❤️
Balasan Vendor
06 Januari 2022
Thank u so much for the review Ci, once again
congratulations for for both of u!

Amazing Team!
Revan & team really know to handle a wedding. The team and all the crews really helpful. Revan himself in charge on the day, and make sure that everything is perfectly in place. The decoration is beautiful, and very neat. Great work, great team!
Balasan Vendor
04 Februari 2020
Thank u so much for the review Kak, till we meet again in another event!

Thank you untuk Revan yang sudah ngebantu aku dan Chris selama proses persiapan pernikahan kami. Waktu itu aku cari-cari vendor Bali via Bridestory App, karena domisili aku di Jakarta jadi ga banyak tau vendor Bali. Sebelum nya udah sempat meeting sama beberapa vendor lain tapi kurang sreg, sampai akhirnya menemukan The Bali Dream Decor, dan meeting bareng Revan. Dari awal Revan professional banget, aku lumayan banyak mau, warna dekoran ku juga lumayan repot minta nya. Tapi Revan mau menyanggupi semua. Selama proses persiapan ga banyak worried soalnya mereka selalu memberikan update progress pengerjaan, kasi layout kasar, 3D design nya, dan selalu fast response setiap aku nanya apapun. Pengerjaan di hari H juga mantap, ga ada yg missed. 3D design sama output akhir sangat sesuai. Pengerjannya juga on time (ini penting banget). Aku jadi Bride tersantai karena vendor-vendor ku hebat2. Thank you sekali lagi untuk Revan dan team! Very recommended vendor! Sukses selalu yaa! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Balasan Vendor
22 Januari 2020
Thank u so much for the review Kak, once again congratulations for both of u!

excellent decor
Reven do a really good job in fulfilling my wish on how my wedding decor should be. He is really attentive and helpful. He give good recommendation on concept and idea
Balasan Vendor
21 Oktober 2019
Thank u so much for the review Ci, once again congratulations for for both of u!

Awal tau the Bali Dream itu dari wo, sebenernya wo kasih beberapa pilihan utk decor, tapi ga tau kenapa dari beberapa pilihan yg dikasih aku suka sama the bali dream, selain konsepnya yg bagus harganya juga okeee bgt...di grup decor Reven (owner the bali dream) cukup aktif utk bertanya maunya konsepku spt apa, dan kebanyakan apa yg aku mau dia sanggupi, woooww!
Trs Aku kira bakalan lgsg ketemu di bali pas tech meet, ehhh taunya dia rela jauh2 datang ke bandung utk bahas konsep beberapa mggu sblm hari H krn domisiliku di bandung. suka bgt sama pemikirannya Reven yg sangat detail, dia buat konsep simple but perfect. Dan di hari H bener2 puas bgt sama hasilnyaaaa, diluar dugaan bgt, semua venue dipenuhi warna bunga yg aku mauuuu, bener2 ga pelit bunga, dan sesuai dgn tema yg aku mau
Thankyou the Bali Dreams Decoration, you absolutely make me happy
Balasan Vendor
22 September 2019
Thank u so much for the review Kak, once again congratulations for both of u!
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Decoration & Lighting
Which of the following services do you provide?
Floral design, Furniture rental, Day-of coordination, Decorative draping, Event concept & design, Event décor, Event lighting, Event planning, Other
Minimum and maximum number of guests
30 persons to 300 persons
If you have not worked at the ceremony or reception sites previously, would you be willing to visit the sites before the event?
What supporting equipment do you provide?
Chair covers, Tables, Tablecloths and linens, Tableware, Centerpieces, Room or ceiling draping, Lighting, Stage or dance floor, Other , Chairs
What makes your services unique?
We make your dream decoration to be real
How far in advance should your client contact you?
12 months - 1 month before
What payment systems are available for your business?
Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
What is your payment terms?
30% down payment and final payment 1 month before
When was your business established?
Our business start from 2018
What is the style of your decorations?
Modern, Rustic, Other (Please specify)
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Do you offer delivery, set up, and breakdown services?
Do you provide sample arrangements?
Do you provide sample arrangements?
Do you offer consultations?
Bali 11270
Hi Lovebirds! We are The Bali Dream Decoration. We do wedding decoration in Bali. Don't hesitate to contact us!
Please visit our social media
Instagram : @thebalidreamdecor
Phone : +6289666900009
Email : thebalidreamdecor@yahoo.com
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