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  • Bagikan pengalamanmu dengan Soulbeatmusic entertainment

    Entertainment (Music)

    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    Orchestra,  Band
    What music genres do you offer?
    Acoustic,  Big band,  Orchestra,  Pop,  International,  Jazz,  R&B/Soul
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Orchestra,  Pop,  International
    What is the size of your musical ensemble?
    3-20 orang
    What services do you offer?
    Rehearsal dinner music, DJ,  Sample performances,  Cocktail hour music,  Audio visuals,  Instrumentals,  MC,  Reception music
    Do you have your own equipment?
    Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
    Sound/PA system, Disco ball,  Fog machine,  Gobo projector,  Lighting,  Microphones,  Projector
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Minimal h-3 bulan atau selambatnya h-30
    What is your repertoire?
    Pop. Jazz . R&b, sesuai request client.
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    Kami memiliki beragam paket yang dapat menyeseuaikan kebutuhkan client
    What is your usual attire?
    Formal, coctail dresscode, outdoor dresscode , tergantung acara kami bisa menyesuaikan
    What makes your services unique?
    Harga kami bisa custom dan menyesuaikan bajet, free wedding entrance dengan beberapa musisi kami, kami menyediakan musik yang berkonsep untuk acara client
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    Dp booking minimal 2.000.000 H-30 wajib dp 50 % Pelunasan maks h-3
    Kantor jakarta : Office 18 park Kantor tangerang: Zena at Mozia, BSD

    Soulbeat music entertainment adalah vendor yang memberikan suguhan musik mulai dari Music Simple, akustik, Band hingga Orchestra. Kami juga menyediakakan jasa MC, Dancer, Dj, kabaret show, dll. Selain itu kami juga menyediakan jasa pendukung entertainment seperti sound system, lighting , Led, Stage, dll. Kami tersedia untuk wilayah jabodetabek- Bali. Yuk. Wujudkan impian wedding kamu bersama soulbeatmusic !

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