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    Wedding Cake

    Do you provide customary cakes?
    Client bisa custom order
    Do you offer private tastings or open house tastings?
    Jika client meminta tester kue , kami akan kirim
    What dietary needs do you accomodate?
    Gluten free
    Do you offer custom cakes, or do you work with pre-designed styles?
    Client dapat custom order
    What kind of desserts do you cater?
    Pastries,  Cupcakes
    On average, how far in advance of the event do you prepare the cake?
    1-2 minggu
    What cake accessories, such as a cake stand or cake cutter do you rent out?
    Pisau sesuai ukuran tinggi wedding cake , 10 pcs ceremonial cake , meja , lampu
    What other services do you provide?
    Birthday cake , sangjit cake
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    1 month
    Jalan kembar sari no 12 , babakan ciparay , kec babakan ciparay , kota bandung , jawa barat 40223

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