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    Favors & Gifts

    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    min. 20-50 pcs (harga disesuaikan)
    What services do you offer?
    Souvenir,  Bridesmaid gifts,  Groomsman gifts
    What type of items do you offer?
    Pouch, Goodie Bags, Hampers
    Do you offer a limited catalogue of favours or custom wedding favours?
    custommade pouch/bag/hampers
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Do you provide delivery services?
    Do you ship worldwide?
    What makes your services unique?
    We are selling our capacity for making the product really affordable for our customers by giving them a wide option through the title "customized". We are also make sure every single pcs of the souvenirs were in a good qualified by making them with handmade and homemade proccess.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is the charge for not reaching minimum?
    If the order not reaching minimum, then we will increasing the price by 40%, If the order not reaching minimum, then we will increasing the price by 40%
    What is the charge for not reaching minimum?
    If the order not reaching minimum, then we will increasing the price by 40%, If the order not reaching minimum, then we will increasing the price by 40%
    What are your delivery times?
    The delivery usually takes time in between 3-7 working days after finishing the project
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    The order should be made by at least 3 months before the wedding
    When was your business established?
    It was established since 2017, It was established since 2017
    When was your business established?
    It was established since 2017, It was established since 2017
    Do you offer samples?
    We do ofder samples by giving the customers a quiz in instagram
    Do you have a return policy?
    If there is a return, we will give only 30% of the total cost to the customers
    What is your payment terms?
    30% as down payment, 30% on progress, 40% after finishing the product.

    Handmade - Homemade - Custommade Kami menyediakan custom wedding souvenirs. Kami memiliki katalog produk sebagai pilihan ataupun menerima usulan desain dari klien sendiri. Semua disesuaikan dengan keinginan, mulai dari bahan, tema warna, ukuran, dan budget kalian :) Jadikan acara pernikahan/perayaan/event kalian lebih bermanfaat untuk para kerabat dengan souvenir yang tahan lama dan unik.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.