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    Oscar Organizer Ulasan

    15 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    aurelia D.
    23 Maret 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Aurel & Hendry

    Recomendded WO

    SUPER HELPFUL! I chose OScar Team as my organizer since their excellent review in Bridestory. Ko Oscar and team was very responsive and supportive during our wedding preparation, especially we had to deal with so much changes in the process. On the D-Day, everything ran smoothly and there was no essentials mistake happened. Our parents were very satisfied with their service, since they really helped us to communicate with the vendors. Overall Oscar Team was very superb, especially to arrange our Sangjit Event. Best wishes always Oscar Team!! ✨
    riana afdi
    12 Oktober 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Riana & Afdi

    Outstanding Wedding Organier.

    Wedding Organizer like OSCAR ORGANIZER had done a good job in preparing our daughter's marriage. The team consists of many energetic young people who meticulously prepare all of our wedding requirements, starting from parents, to the youngest sibling, they have been so thoughtful, dedicated and considerate in their service, we cannot ask for more, all is beyond our expectation. We highly recommend OSCAR ORGANIZER to be your next Wedding organizer as they have been helpful in everything you can think of. Good job Oscar and amazing teamwork, we appreciated all your hard work. May your team be as solid and in one unity to give the best service always .....God Bless
    yemima dewi
    05 Januari 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Yemima & Dewa

    Thank you banget bantuannya dari Sangjit sampai Hari H

    Ko Oscar dan semuanya thank you banget ya atas bantuan selama ini, keren banget lancar acaranya dari sangjit sampe wedding day. Meskipun ujan tim WO sangat gercep buat bantuannya thank you banget. Sorry juga kalau2 ada salah atau merepotkan tim wo dari Yemima , Dewa, keluarga atau tamu undangan. Terakhir terima kasih dan semoga bisa ketemu kerjasama lagi yaa,
    Dixie Risa
    05 Januari 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Dixie & Rubben

    wo keren and trustable

    Terima kasih Oscar Organizer, sudah mau direpotkan oleh kami berdua. Kepuasan kami ada di angka 100%. Secara keseluruhan bagus, terjangkau harganya dan recomended deh pokoknya. Terima kasih Oscar Organizer.
    Lina Tanubrata
    13 April 2021 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Aldi & Lina

    So helpfull

    Untuk Oscar Organizer kami ucapkan terimakasih karena sudah banyak membantu untuk kelancaran acara kami, dari awal menghubungi Ko Oscar sudah sangat klik, di awal sebelum deal bekerjasama Ko Oscar sudah sangat banyak membantu menjelaskan semua hal, pokoknya sangat informatif dan juga ramah. Begitupun setelah deal, banyak membantu kami dan sabar dengan kami yang kadang labil hehe Ketika ada sedikit masalah mreka langsung cepat membantu menyelesaikan masalah dan mencari solusi. Ketika acara berlangsung pun semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana yang diinginkan, bahkan melebihi ekspektasi kami. Dan review dari keluarga kami pun sangat baik, dan mereka ikut senang & puas dengan acara kemarin (bahkan sampai ada yang bertanya tentang Oscar Organizer secara detail)
    15 Januari 2021 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Jenova

    thank you so much oscar organizer

    Thank you buat Ko Oscar and Crew yang udah bantuin kita dari awal , sempet banyak bgt problem gara2 covid sampe kita stress karena sampe H-1 Bulan kita masih balapan sama persiapan, tapi akhirnya Puji Tuhan semua bisa berjalan dengan baik dari prosesi sangjit (semua persiapan n mc di aturin begitu perfect) sama sampai resepsi..Top banget deh crewnya helpfull banget di Hari H . Sukses terus ya buat Oscar Organizer , Kalian yang mau menikah wajib pake deh nanti rasain sendiri servicenya Report

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Day of coordinator
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Budget preparation,  Ceremony planning, Pre wedding Arrangement, personalized Vendr planning, Overseas Remote Planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Grand wedding, Christian wedding ceremony, Intimate wedding, Garden Party Wedding, Tradisional wedding, Chinense Table Dining (Cia Ciu) Reception
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    We can coordinate any number of guest you want
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    other than our primary language (indonesian), we are also fluent in written & spoken english
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    bali - jakarta, west java
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time for the client to contact us wpuld be 8-15 month prior to the wedding. But should the client need a service urgently. simply call us to disscuss your upcoming wedding event
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    We give our service since you wake up and end it when the party over
    What makes your services unique?
    • You are in an expert care. We have an experienced crew to support your wedding. We do invest in people and we believe an excellent service is based on the quality of the people. • You won’t miss every detail. We have a system that makes every detail in our care, so you won’t miss anything in your biggest day. • 24/7 service care. If you need anything or want to discuss anything, you can contact us any time you want. • A memorable and different wedding. We want makes your wedding memorable for you, your family, and of course your guest with our different concept so the memories will remain forever. • Competitive price. We have a competitive price with our same class competitor organizer.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash, Cheques
    What is your payment terms?
    10% after confirmation of contract, 50% 2 month before the event, 100% upon d-7 event
    When was your business established?
    Oscar Organizer was Established in 2018. However, Our wedding planning experience has started way back since 2015
    What wedding planning service do you offer
    Basically, Oscar Organizer services divided to 2 categories: 1. D-DAY FUNCTION D-Day function is the most basic function of Oscar Organizer. We'll become your partner to make sure your wedding successful beautifully. We'll do the rundown, vendor technical meeting, family technical meeting, time management, provide D-Day properties, and we’ll help even your little needs on your D-Day. 2. PLANNER FUNCTION Planner function is one of Oscar Organizer services that cover up almost everything in your wedding preparations. We'll do D-Day function, make the conception, budgeting, vendor filtering, scheduling, assistance, and appointment behalf yours. So, you just have to sit down and receive the reports from us. 3. FULL PLANNER Function FULL PLANNER function is the most of Oscar Organizer services that cover up everything in your wedding preparations. Basically we’ll do PLANNER function plus we give you one personal assistant to maintain your progress every time. We’re also do help you for preparing your invitation process, such as RSVP*, labeling, even do the courier* for you. So, we’ll do everything for you.
    Taman Cibaduyut Indah blok M no 19

    Hello Groom and Bride to be, Congratulation for finding each other and you are just one step away to celebrate your big day. We are a bunch of people who love to create your wedding dreams come true and love to see our couple smile from their heart. We could position ourself as your best friend and your professional partner. Just give us a chance and we will give you the best moment of your life. Because Oscar Organizer is a PROFESSIONAL organizer with a DIFFERENT concepts and DEPENDABLE service

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