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Maretta_Drie Makeup Artist Ulasan
15 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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Partner MUA & Hair Do
Secocok itu kerja bareng sama Maretta sebagai partner MUA & Hair Do untuk klien-klienku. Cara kerja dan hasil selalu memuaskan kita sebagai fotografer maupun calon bride to be hehe .. Thank youuu so much buat kerja barengnya ya. Semoga bisa tetap terus kerja bareng ke depannya dan makin banyak klien-kliennya! XDD

BEST MUA I ever had!! ga salah milih team ci retta untuk jadi part of our memorable moment. cc n teamnya super baik,ramah, bisa bikin suasana happy trus jd sepanjang makeup ga bosen ga bikin ngantuk. sblm hari H byk pertanyaan yg aku tanyain ke cc mulai dr hairpiece smpe ke soflent dan sllu dijwab dgn cpt dan baik, kyk lg ngechat sm cc sendiri jdnya ga merasa sungkan ahahahaa pas hari H juga mereka super gercep pasang mata elang kalo rambutku uda ga bener, lipstik pudar,perlu tacap. mereka lgsg deh gerakkkk.
dan hasil makeupnya ga usa ditanyaaaa, super bagussssss. definisi upik abu bisa jd cinderella hahahaha.
for of all, thankyouuu so much buat cc retta n team. worth it! makin sukses cc <3

Super lovveeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Gila sih sesuka itu sama makeup ci maretta 😍 pdhl acaraku outdoor, of course keringetan dan pas pemberkatan ada nangis2, ga crack dan tetep on point! 👌🏻 tamu jg blg bagusss makeupnya, jd cantik tp tetep muka aku ❤️ Cici pun sangat sabar dan seru asik, dan usaha bikin aku nyaman dgn eyelash gara2 aku ga biasa dan gasuka pake eyelash, dia usahain supaya nyaman and she did it! Nyaman loh 😍 thank you bngt ci! Really love ur makeup, thank you for making me beautiful on my big day while still making it fun! 🥰

Review make up wedding
Puas bgt di make up dgn ci maretha. Sllu bagus hasil nya , very humble dan paling sabar juga. Ikutin ke mauan client mau di make up sperti apa. Thx u cc and team udh mau make up-in aku di hri bahagia aku atas kerja sama nya. 🙏❤️❤️❤️

Long lasting natural look
Puas banget sama makeup by sis Maretta. Above and beyond banget servicenya. Test makeup long lasting sampai larut malam, dan makeup hari H juga sangat long lasting menghadapi badai air mata dan keringat. Sis Maretta enak diajak diskusi, very lovely and overall very satisfied with her work and her person. Thank you for making my day!

Ci Maretta terbhaiq
Ci Maretta friendly, baik banget, dan asik diajak ngobrol.. Jadi ga bosen pas lagi di make up-in. Dan yg paling penting, cicinya jg super duper talented!! Make upnya cetar tapi sama sekali ga lebai. Bikin pangling kata orang2. Mau banget di make up-in lagi sama cici next time kalau ada kesempatan hehehe
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Hair & Makeup
What do your beauty services offer?
Bridal make up, Bridesmaids make up
How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
1-10 persons
What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
Bridal make up
Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
Depend on makeup package choosed
What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
Natural, Romantic and soft, Glamour and bold
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Depend on wedding makeup package choosed
How far in advance should your client contact you?
for brides makeup, Mostly 6-12 months before wedding
But for party makeup it could be 2-3 week before
What rate do you usually charge at?
Depending on package choosed
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
20% as down payment, and the rest could be paid one day after the event held
Makeup studio @ Puri Mansion Apartment ~ West Jakarta
mobile services, i will come to your place or venue for doing makeup and hairdo :) 11740
with learning at Puspita Martha School Majoring International Bridal give you the flawless beauty in Makeup and Hairdo for your speciall occasion such as Wedding, Prewedding Photoshot, Graduation, Seventeen party, Prom Party, Maternity Photoshoot, and many more.
please do not hesitate to contact me for more info and promo.
thank you :)
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