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  • Bagikan pengalamanmu dengan Jungle Entertainments

    Dance & Choreography

    What services do you offer?
    Music Classes , Fitness Sessions , Dance ClassesDance performancesChoreography / dance lessons
    What type of dance do your perfomers specialize in? (max. 3)
    SEMI classicalHip-hopContemporary / dance lessonsBollywood
    What size is your dance group?
    Do you have your own props and costumes?
    How do you usually charge on dance lesson?
    HourlyBased on package or projectdepending on No of performance
    How long does it usually take for a couple to master a ballroom dance?
    4 to 5 hours but its differ person by person.
    How many choreographers do you have in your team?
    7 Choreographers including Male and Female both.
    Do you have a replacement just in case your dancers or choreographers become unavailable?
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    3 months it would be the great if it is must , but the latest they can contact us 1 month before the Event Day.
    What makes your services unique?
    Our Choreographers are Experienced and Charming . They reach you the dance in a very casual way where you can not find any difficult in dance. Friendly behaviour of our Choreographers make your event more Lively.
    What stage equipment do you provide to support your performance?
    Prop Suggestions , Dance Themes , Led wall works etc
    Who is the audience of your dance lesson?
    Wedding couplesGroupFamily Members
    Where do you usually hold the dance lesson?
    Anywhere based on client's requestIn our studioAs per requirements
    What type of dance do you usually teach?
    BollywoodJazzSemi- classicalRegional Dances ( as per client requirement s)Hip-hopBallroomContemporary / dance lessons
    Raipur, Chhattisgarh 490006

    Jungle Entertainments is an entertainment company,mainly dealing with three sectors Health , Arts and Events

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