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Hope Portraiture Ulasan
80 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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Best Professional Wedding Photographer
We decided that we wanted someone who could capture specific ‘moments’ when we were looking for wedding photographer 2 years ago. Hope Portraiture provided not only the best affordable service and product, but also successfully managed our prewedding in Sumba and our engagement in Bandung. We found that Ryan from Hope Portraiture could be the one that could capture those ‘moments’. All of the practical and technical things was handled meticulously by Merlies. She was provided information, moodboard and you named it, for every ocassion, especially for our prewedding. That was our main reason to choose our 3 main events to be photographed by Hope Portraiture.
The way Ryan’s led our prewedding session was cheerful, mood-lifting but serious. He had the ability to lighten up the room. These were important to us, rememberring the bad weather in Sumba. This attitude was also brought to our engagement and wedding. The team was also on time and they mingle effortlessly with my family and friends, creating a warm atmosphere.
Both edits and raws were awesome! Thank you to the duo - Merlies and Ryan for taking our photos. The best thing that we always feel is that when we look at the photos, they really bring back the memories. It really did capture the real moment - sincere, timeless and beautiful.

Amazingly Excellent
The first vendor that I choose, even before the venue >,< pertama kali langsung srek pas ngobrol sama blesdy n ci merlies dan liat portonya yang bagus2! Pas foto prewed bagus and enjoyable banget, ko ryan bisa bawa suasananya n super helpful, padahal kita super kaku n awkward hahaha, but the picture turns out good. Selama proses sebelum prewed juga ci merlies persiapin kita dgn sangat matang pokoke terima beres, uda dikasih moodboard, suggestion baju, sampe aku bolak balik acc ga kenal hari n jam tetep direspon dengan cepatss,dan semua keperluan pas prewed uda diatur dan bner2 beyond expectation ga nyesel!! haha. Belum foto di hari H sihh, tapi I trust in the quality and service dari hope portraiture. Thanks a bunchhh hope, see you soon!
semuanyaaa ok banget memuaskan, mulai dari prewed, sangjit, pemberkatan, sampe resepsi. hasilnya ok, pengarahannya the best buat dapet momennya, humble banget semua team nya. seneng banget kerjasama hope. bersyukur banget kita gak salah pilih vendor foto. the best lah hope. 😍😍😍
Pertama kali kita tau HOPE itu di Bridestory 2017, dan kebetulan yang handle kita adalah Ci Merlies langsung. Dari awal ketemu kita udah ngerasa cocok banget dan tau ini bakal jadi pilihan utama kita buat vendor photo & video. Sempat beberapa kali ketemu lagi dengan HOPE dan dealing di Bridestory 2018. Ci Merlies bener bener ngebantu kita terutama persiapan prewed, dan nyusunin Mood Board nya. Kita selalu speechless liat hasil Fotonya Ko Ryan & Team nya dari mulai prewed, sangjit dan wedding day. Ngga ada yang ngga bagus, dan setiap orang pasti muji hasil fotonya. We were very lucky and happy clients to have HOPE on our special day. You are really awesome guys! Much much love from us! Makin sukses dan mengudara untuk HOPE!

Arthur-Inovia 12 Oct
TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!\nAwal kita deal di pameran JCC, 1st vendor yang kita deal.\ndan kita bnr2 ga salah pilih Hope.\nawal mula kita dijelasin sama Nathan ttg paket2annya, stlh itu kita dibantu Ci Merlies.\nCi Merlies the woman behind Hope bnr2 bantuin utk arrange schedule prewed,bantuin pilih theme, dresscode.\nthank u bgt ciii!!\nKo Ryan as our photographer for prewed and wedding day bisa bgt buat suasana jd ga kaku.\ndan utk hasilnya ga usah diragukan lg bnr2 bagus bgtttt ♥️\n\nthanks HOPE! ♥️
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
What do your packages include?
We have a customisable packages to meet your needs.
Do you work overseas?
Yes, we love overseas job.
Do you have a replacement photographer in case you become unavailable on the day of the event?
Do you charge based on package, hourly or full day?
We are charging based on the package chosen.
Are you available to shoot after hours? If yes, how much do you charge for extra hours?
Yes we do.
What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Digital files, Hi-Res image, Proof CD of all images, Prints, Custom album design
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Journalism, Portraiture, Candid, Conceptual, Destinations, Natural, Black and White
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Beauty shoot, Studio shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Journalism, Portraiture, Candid
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Please contact us for further meetings
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
I shoot them directly with my team make everything looking great surely
What rate do you usually charge at?
We charge per event depend on the package that couple choose
Are you available to shoot after hours?
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
When was your business established?
Our business started on 2012 and it is still growing rapidly until today.
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
2-5 days after the wedding
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
Depend on the approval from client. Approximately 1-3months after approval.
What is your payment terms?
50% payment for down payment and 50% for final payment 1 month before the D-Day
How far in advance should your client contact you?
The most ideal time to contact us is 6-12 months before the wedding date
What makes your services unique?
Our team is warm, friendly and able to direct people naturally. We also focus on capturing your moment.
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
Usually our clients are taking care of our meal but our photographers can provide our own meals as long as it was informed before D-day
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
We value the honest reviews from our clients more than any awards :)
Taman Duta Mas Blok D6 No 47 11460
We are a group of creative and passionate people who loves intimate moments
We love to capture emotions and portray them in pictures that will stand the test of time
Hope Portraiture is featured in 1 Bridestory Blog articles:
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