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    Finaste Sangjit Ulasan

    9 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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    Claudia Lica
    23 Desember 2024 | Client di Pernikahan Claudia Siena Lica & Jonggi Daniel Tobia

    Sangjit Day? Yes you need EO for the day!!

    Finaste Sangjit was the last vendor that I hired while planning the Sangjit Day myself. I thought to myself how hard it would be to handle 120 pax in a restaurant? Turns out, 5 months before the day, my wild thoughts started to pop what if something happen? what if something goes wrong? Just like that, I hired Finaste Sangjit through Jocelyn. As the leader of the team, Jocelyn was a remarkable person. Her detailed thinking and initiatives support my vision for the event. She chose the team wisely according to our needs and all the team was very2 good at their job. The coordination, initiatives, attitude and calmness helped the event went smoothly. Thank you a million times Finaste Sangjit. Best of luck and success for Finaste Sangjit Team!! Love, Claudia & Jonggi
    09 Desember 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Glory & Winston

    Sangjit terdebestt

    Besttt deh team finest! Smuanya berjalan dgn smooth, smua prep jg ga ada yg miss sma skli. Wlpn requestan theme sangjit ak out of the box, tp klian bsa bantu mewujudkannya. Recommended bgtt pake finest sangjit. Thnkyouuu guys!🥰🙏
    11 November 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Sangjit Santi & Edwin 3 Nov 2024

    Best choicee

    Super happy & bersyukur pilih Finest sebagai EO untuk sangjit. Ci Celine & tim super helpful saat planning & executing acaranya. Ga perlu khawatir mengenai tradisi yg banyak karena mereka jagonya ahahha. Defintely recommening finest to friends & familyy!
    Joselin Putri
    09 Oktober 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Daniel & Joselin

    Trust & dependable!

    All good things i can say for Finest Sangjit! Celin and team treats us nicely, very detailed and punctual with schdule, would recommend if any of my friends/family looking for engangement party organizer
    Ivana Oetomo
    23 September 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Ivana & Dimas

    Happy Banget sama Finaste Sangjit!

    Super happy sama pelayanan Finaste sangjit, cicinya super ramah and helpful, ga susah untuk koordinasi dan berkomunikasi, bisa ngelead acara sangjit ku sampai terselesai dengan baik tanpa kurang suatu apapun, good job!
    Grace Yemima
    22 September 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan grace & felix - 20 nov 2023

    besttt sangjit organizer

    Our sangjit was planned in a rush— literally just a month before! With all the confusion about the traditions and etc, Finest was a lifesaver! In the blink of an eye, our sangjit went very well. Many thanks to Celin and Evelyn for their help! 🥺 We'll always recommend Finest Sangjit to couples!

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    Tanya vendor
    Green Lake City, Cluster Asia 11 No 36

    All in one Sangjit Package by Finest Sangjit We’re here as your trusted Sangjit Organizer, ensuring every detail of your special day is crafted with care and tradition. Let us make your Sangjit Ceremony truly memorable.

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