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D'soewarna Wedding Planning & Organizer Ulasan
18 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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Halo mas Bram dan tim. Makasih banyak ya udah sabar banget kita repotin. Dan makasih jg untuk tim dsoewarna yg sangat profesional dan friendly ngebuat kita jd super enjoy untuk diskusi dalam sgla hal. Semuanya di siapkan dengan baik dan acarapun berjalan dengan lancar. Thank u so much D’soewarna :)

D'Soewarna WO super helpful <3 very recommended!
Aku pakai jasa D'Soewarna WO untuk hari H akad dan hari H resepsi, dari awal meeting, Mas Bram detail bgt ngejelasin tentang rangkaian acaranya, jadi aku & mama sreg lalu memutuskan untuk pakai jasa D'Soewarna. Waktuitu harusnya pernikahanku di bulan Juli, tp peraturan pemerintah waktuitu berubah2.. Mas Bram selalu up to date sama peraturan dan berita jd dikabarin terus, dan Mas Bram juga bener2 ngeusahain untuk tetep bisa di bulan Juli, ke KUA dan ke PIC wedding venuenya.. Cuma waktuitu akhirnya diputuskan buat diundur, diundurnya pun jadi harus terpisah akad dan resepsi di tanggal berbeda. Mas Bram & team fleksibel bgt dan bisa mengakomodasi semua kebutuhan. Kita meeting beberapa kali untuk fixin detail hari H dan rundown. Pas hari H akad dan resepsi, alhamdulillah semua lancar. Kalo ada kendala, tim Mas Bram langsung gercep & cekatan buat nyariin solusinya jadi sebagai pengantin bisa tenang. Keluarga juga seneng bgt sama acaranya. D'Soewarna WO sangat profesional dan helpful. Sangat recommended! Terima kasih banyak! <3

Well Done!!!
Thank you mas bram & Team for Helping us in our wedding...♥️♥️♥️ Profesional dan udah ngerti banget apa yg harus dilakuin... Sebelum hari H pun sangat ngebantu banget untuk persiapin apa aja bahkan sampai hal kecilpun... Pas hari H pun mas bram and team nya ngatur nya OKE banget jadi bikin kita ga panik and slalu bantuin kita cari solusi2 pas tiba2 ada masalah yg muncul... Oiyah WO nya jg care bnget sama kita bahkan sampai udah selesai resepsi pun WO nya tetep ngedampingin kita sampai kita bner2 beres.... 💕💕
Good Job Dsoewarna Planner & Team 👍🏻👍🏻

Highly recomended!
Very helpful, mas bram dan tim nya juga sangat ramah dan enak untuk diajak kerjasama! Kita dari awal untuk masalah planning dan eksekusi di hari H semua kita serahin ke WO, dan pas hari H oke banget kerjanya, tenang tapi beres. Gak grasak grusuk! Well done dsoewarna!
H-1 ga panik.\nHari H pun tetap ga panik. \nWO super hebat emang, bikin tenang ati 😋\n\ndi hari H, Orang wo nya super baik dan gampang banget di hubungi / dititipi pesan. Keputusan yang dibuat selalu tepat dan ga ada miskom! Sumpahhhh pokoknya tau2 udah kelar aja acara nikahan tanpa masalah, padahal H-1 nya kayak banyak banget request yang berubah2 hahaha. \n\nKata suamiku jg, wonya baik sabar dan profesional terutama mas bram. pas ketemuan jaman bareng vendor selalu datang pertama dan ga pernah ngeluh saat kami selalu telat 😁😁😁😁😁😁\n\nterima kasih D'soewarna WO 🥰🤗
Great team! Best WO
Sebelumnya mau ngucapin terimakasih banyak mas bram dan team karna sudah membantu kelancaran wedding ku dan damar. Ditengah pusing pusing karna pandemi gini mas bram nenangin dan bnrbnr ngurus segala hal sampe weddingnya bnrbnr terlaksana dan keren banget pokoknya salut banget sama mas bram dan teamnya👍🏻
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Wedding Planning
What service do you provide?
Full planning, Day of coordinator, Partial planning, Wedding Stage Manajemen
What sort of planning do you cover?
Intimate Wedding, Reception planning, Detailed task checklist, Ceremony planning
What is your primary expertise?
Indonesian Culture Wedding and International Wedding
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
We will always put our client as our priority and everything will be arrange based on availability
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
Minimum number of guests : 30 guests and maximum number of guest : N/A
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Jakarta, Bali and other city
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
1 months before the wedding day for on the D-Day organizing service and 3-6 months prior to the wedding day for wedding planning service.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Credit card payment, Cash, Bank transfer
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
Price is included up from 8 to 20 hours of active operational working hourson the day of the wedding.
What makes your services unique?
Coordinating and directing every details of the events, from the beginning of the preparation until the D-date with a dense personal touch and not forgetting the flexible estimation on the event's costs. That way, we gain professionalism, trust, and comfort.
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
What is your payment terms?
Down Payment 50% of the confirmed amount can be transferred to Bank Account or amortization must be transferred one week before event
When was your business established?
our business started in December 2015 with a lot experience in this industry.
What wedding planning servises do you offer?
Essentially, D'soewarna provides these following services:
ON THE DAY WEDDING COORDINATION is D'soewarna's most essential function. We will be your partner to ensure the smoothness and success of your marriage ceremony. We will draft the rundown, arrange technical meetings for vendors and families, manage times, and help fulfilling your needs with as much details as possible on the D-date.
PLANNER COORDINATION is one of the D'soewarna's services that includes everything about your marriage preparation phases. We will coordinate on the D-date, create concepts, set up budgets, sort vendors, schedule, arrange for meeting schedules under your name and every other helps as we deem necessary. So, all you have to do is just sit back and relax. No need to worry because you just need to wait to accept our reports.
D'soewarna functions mainly as the PERSONAL WEDDING ADVISOR, which grants services that encompass all about your marriage preparation. On the D-date, we also take a role in the On-The-Day Wedding Coordination part. Essentially, we will coordinate with the PLANNER plus and we assign a Personal Wedding Advisor to you to accompany you in preparing your marriage. In doing so, we keep on committed to maintain your progress at any times. We also help you to prepare your invitation processes, such as RSVP*, labeling, and even scheduling courier for you. So, we will do it all for you.
Jl. Kebalen III/22 RT. 03/05 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12180
No matter your budget, your dream, there's a personal wedding advisor that can run your vision into a reality. Free Consultation with our personal wedding advisor to get started on crafting the day your dreams.
D'soewarna Wedding Planning & Organizer is featured in 2 Bridestory Blog articles:
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