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    Ring Bearer by Diamond Gift HampersRing Bearer by Diamond Gift Hampers
    Ring Bearer by Diamond Gift HampersRing Bearer by Diamond Gift Hampers
    Seserahan by Diamond Gift HampersSeserahan by Diamond Gift Hampers
    Seserahan by Diamond Gift HampersSeserahan by Diamond Gift Hampers

    Bagikan pengalamanmu dengan Diamond Gift Hampers

    Favors & Gifts

    What services do you offer?
    What type of items do you offer?
    Seserahan, Ring Bearer, Mahar, Welcome Signage
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    min 4 box
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Bisa, transportasi atau biaya ongkir ditanggung penyewa
    Do you provide delivery services?
    Pengiriman bisa lewat JNE, J&T, Cargo dll
    Do you offer samples?
    Kami menyediakan contoh, tetapi bisa custom sesuai tema yg diinginkan
    Wedding Accessories

    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    What kind of wedding accessories do you provide?
    Box Hantaran
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Do you ship worldwide?
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    H-2 Minggu
    How long in general does it take for your client to get the final accessories?
    1-2 Minggu
    How to order
    WhatsApp +62 81211400330
    Jalan Batununggal Indah 40267

    Sewa dan jual box seserahan untuk acara tunangan atau pernikahan. Harga mulai dari 65.000/tray BOOKING --> Whatsapp 081211400330

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