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    Dress & Attire

    Bagikan pengalamanmu dengan CROMOXI

    Dress & Attire

    What kind of dress and attire do you provide?
    Wedding dress,  Engagement/ prewedding dress,  Bridesmaid dress,  Flower girls dress,  Evening dress,  Mother or sister's dress
    What service do you provide?
    Ready made dress,  Once worn dress,  Dress Rental
    What is(are) your primary service(s)? (max. 3)
    Dress rental,  Ready made dress,  Designer dress
    What dress style do you specialize in? (max. 3)
    Classic,  Glamour,  Contemporary, Ada cerita konseptual sesuai dengan karya dan tema yang diangkat oleh creator
    What accessories do you provide?
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Indonesia, kota JABODETABEK dan Bandung
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    paling lambat 7 hari sebelum hari H
    How long does it take in general for your client to receive the final dress?
    Setelah client memilih gaun lalu diadakan appointment fitting client bisa langsung menggunakan gaun di hari H
    What makes your services unique?
    Busana adalah karya mahasiswa, konsepnya dinamis dan memiliki value explorasi ala mahasiswa yang unik.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    Belum ada
    What is your payment terms?
    20% konfirmasi komitmen fee dan 100% saat fitting
    When was your business established?
    April 2018
    Jl.Meranti Indah II Cluster Meranti Bumi Panyawangan 40623

    CROMOXI A Platform Work of Fashion Design and Textile Craft Student. ABOUT US Cromoxi is a work platform of fashion and textile craft student. An extraordinary wadrobe with invinity style optionfor stylist. Revolutionary rent dress service for everyone! We do really believe every student's work should be appreciated. One of the way to appreaciate it is, publication. Show the work to the world. We connecting student's work through this platform into larger audience and try to find more oportunity

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