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Vendor yang pernah bekerja sama Anda
Catherine Wedding & Photo Ulasan
31 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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The Best Bridal
Sebelum nya mksih bgt ya buat tim Catherine khususnya Ci Linda Dan Mba Eka , MUA Ci Nana
yg dr awal udh bantu pilihin gown dan mcm2 nya ..
awalnya bridal ini di rekomen sm tmn aku yg emg udh dr dulu turun temurun pake catherine . Sblm ke catherine smpet ke bridal lain cmn blm ada yg cocok gmn gtu haha Tp emg namanya jodoh ya , pas di bride story bner bner ak cmn ke booth ini dan pas di tawarin paketnya lgsung cocok krn isinya tuh no abal2 yaa vendor yg kerjasama sama catherine di jamin bagus dan profesional banget . Pasti sblm deal ak cek2 vendor rekanan nya mereka dan memang sbgus ituh smuanya ..
Dari Prewed sm hari H smua di bantu sm tim Catherine ..
Gown bagus , High Quality , Makeup nya debesssttt krn sesuaii bgt dg apa yg aku mau 🫶🏻
Gapapa rela sering bolak balik Tangerang Kelapa Gading Hihiii ..
Semoga Tim Catherine tambah sukses , Selalu jdi bridal yg terbaik buat bride2 selanjutnya hihiii 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Dari awal perencanaan kita selalu rajin ikut pameran wedding,sampai akhirnya jatuh hati ke bridal catherine.
Dari mulai harga paket yg di tawarkan affordable pas disesuaikan budget kita mau yang mana.
Lalu datang ke studio pilihan gaun juga banyak marketingnya ci Linda sama Mba Eka bener2 ngebantu banget dr awal pilih gaun sampai hari H.
sabar banget ladenin diriku yg cerewet dan banyak maunya.
belum lagi make upnya ok banget dr make up preweed ,sangjit,sampai hari H cocok banget.
recomend banget..dan fix next year adeku juga pakai bridal catherine.
thanks yah buat semua kru bridal udah sangat membantu wujudtin wedding dreamku.

Recommended Bridal
Buat yang lagi cari vendor bridal,, catherine bridal paling top deh, vendor2 rekanan pun kece2 semua. tim nya luar biasaaa helpful, ci linda khatam banget di dunia per bridal an, mba gaun, mas nya semua ok banget. ci nana make up nya the best, ga cuma ak mama ku pun seneng banget sama hasil make up ci nana baguss banget. ❤

Best Bridal
Bridal turun temurun dr kakak prtma smpai w si bontot. Dr dlu udh incer juga make up nya ok bgt mua ci nana. Urusan gaun dll sm ci Linda yg baik n care banget, kasih rekomendasi pilihan gaun sesuai body and selera bride. Fotographer tentu ke mike chang yg mirip jacky chan haha foto2 nya totalitas n keren.
overall puass bgt dgn catherine 👍🤩

Recommended Bridal
Very recommended! Dari awal diassist Ci Linda sampai hari H, semua ramah & helpful. Dari fitting gown, prewed, make up, memuaskan ❤️

Hallooo, buat kalian yg lagi nyari vendor bridal, makeup, hairdo, dll pilih Catherine aja deh! Bener2 ngebantuin kita dari awal sampai kita udah sah 😁 Kalau ada yg perlu ditanyain, ci Linda akan slalu ramah jawab pertanyaan2 kalian. Makeup nya ci Cindy jg the bestttt deh, banyak banget tamu n keluarga yg bilang makeup nya cantikkk bgt. Even Stanley sampe setelah hari H pun masih suka ngebahas makeup di hari H cantik bgt 😂 Pkoknya semua crew Catherine ramah n helpful luar biasa, mbak yg ngebantuin pake gown pun ramah bgt lohh. Hasil foto jg smua bagus2. Overall kita suka dan ga kecewa pilih Catherine jd salah satu vendor di hari H kita berdua. Thank youuu yahh❤️
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Family shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Family shoot
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Digital files, Hi-Res image, Proof CD of all images
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Portraiture, Natural, Conceptual
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Portraiture, Natural, Conceptual
When was your business established?
Our business started way back in 2008. We are currently one of the most prominent vendors in ourfield.
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
What services do you provide
Dress rental, Hair and make up, Photography
What accessories do you provide?
Hair accessories, Jewelries
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
What kind of dress style do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
Classic, Glamour, Contemporary
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
What makes your services unique?
Catherine Wedding & Photo specializes in Wedding gown, Pre-wedding photos, make-up and Wedding packages.
We strive for excellent customer service and offer competitive prices and wedding packages all year long.
Our friendly staff are fluent in Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian and English to cater to vast demographics of population.
Catherine’s Taiwanese photographer will guide you how to pose in every shoots.
Your photo session will be fun and memorable. With the Taiwanese style, the photo result is natural and wonderful.
Our experienced Taiwanese make up artist & team always use international brand cosmetics to give you a perfect result make over and hair do. They will make you look beautiful and fabulous.
Catherine provide you a lot of choices of high quality gown with new trend design by international designer
that directly imported monthly from Taiwan.
How far in advance should your client contact you?
The sooner the better, but the most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 3-5 months prior to the wedding.
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
In 2011 - Best Bridal Vendor by Weddingku
What is your payment terms?
30% after confirmation of contract, 40% after Prewedding photo session, 30% after Final fitting Gown Wedding Day.
When was your business established?
Our business started way back in 2008. We are currently one of the most prominent vendors in ourfield.
The Kensington Commercial A-09, Kelapa Gading 14240
We provides Bridal Gowns, Pre-Wedding Photos, Make-Up and Wedding Packages
Catherine Wedding & Photo is featured in 0 Bridestory Blog articles:
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