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    Bagikan pengalamanmu dengan Bali Sound Waves

    Event Rentals

    What items are available for rental?
    Lighting,  Sound system
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Bali Saja
    Does your rental include an attendant or technicians?
    Untuk 2000 watt sudah termasuk
    Can special messages be displayed on index prints?
    On photo booth hire, are prints included with your rental rates?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    1 bulan sebelum acara
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Berpengalaman di sound system untuk acara pernikahan, seminar, dll
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    Harga mulai 1 juta tergantung paket yang di pesan
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    30 % Dp (tanda booking untuk sound acara), H-3 pelunasan sebelum Acara
    When was your business established?
    2015, bisa anda baca di website kami untuk History
    Do you offer delivery, setup, and breakdown services?
    diluar denpasar dan badung, dikenakan biaya transport tergantung jaraknya. Biaya mulai 250rb
    Jl. pajajaran, perumahan puspa asri residence Jl. Mambang Kaja No.17b, Kec. Selemadeg Timur 82162

    Sewa sound system, lighting dan videotron di bali

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.