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  • Bagikan pengalamanmu dengan ARIESANTHI by Tyas Santhi Fatmasari

    Dress & Attire

    What kind of dress and attire do you provide?
    Wedding dress Engagement/ prewedding dress Bridesmaid dress Evening dress Mother or sister's dressKebaya & traditional Attire both bride & groom
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Evening dressWedding dress Mother or sister's dress
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    ONLY by APPOINTMENT ARIESANTHI Boutique House (Fashion Designer) Hours of operation based on appointment: pk.10.00 sd pk.12.00, pk.14.00 sd pk.16.00, pk.19.00 sd pk.21.00 for in-house appointment. And available on Jakarta &
    What service do you provide?
    Made to measure dressCustom made dressKebaya & traditional attire by request Dress Rental Ready made dress
    What is(are) your primary service(s)? (max. 3)
    Kebaya & traditional attire by requestCustom made dress Made to measure dress Designer dress
    What dress style do you specialize in? (max. 3)
    ContemporaryKebaya & traditional attire by requestClassic
    What accessories do you provide?
    Customize headpiece match with request Veil Hair accessories Shoes
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Solo, Semarang, Makassar, Bengkulu, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    The sooner is better, but the best time for clients to contact us would be between 3-4 months early before the wedding or Event because details are specific & important
    How long does it take in general for your client to receive the final dress?
    the final item can be received by client approximately 7 days before The Wedding / Event , or by deals
    What makes your services unique?
    Our designs & on dress making are leans on interviews with you to explore your personality & the potential of your dream wedding, so that it can reflect in the form of special a dress/attire, and every details is made with heart, because you are so precious to us
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    CashBank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    40% after confirmation & approval contract , & 60% when order finished & before order taking
    When was your business established?
    Our business started since in 2008 until now and became one of the providers of design & manufacture kebaya, traditional attire and wedding gown/dress both for bride & groom
    ARIESANTHI by Tyas Santhi Fatmasari , coming soon on Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Makassar
    In services on Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Makassar only by appointment Feel free, please contact or chat me on Whatsapp +62 81914887667 or DM ig : @ariesanthi_design , @ariabelle_official
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    Peraih Juara Harapan I Fashion Design Competition Jogja Fashion Week 2010 Top 15 Designer Nominatee for International Fashion Crowd Challenge October 2015 at 1stDay, pengalaman mengikuti berbagai event fashion baik didalam maupun luar negeri, antara lain : JFW sejak 2011 sd 2019 La Tulipe “Celebrate Love” 2012, Solo, Jogja Fashion Festival 2013-2015 & Jogja Fashion Rendezvous 2017, “Fashion Escapades 2015” by Sheraton Mustika Resort & Spa, Yogyakarta, “Ultimate Women 2015” at Canting Resto, Galleria, Yogyakarta, as Guest Designer for Melina “Clamber Step of Fashion 2018” di Solo, Jateng. Support Wardrobe untuk perwakilan Indonesia di ajang Internasional, antara lain : Miss Eco Tourism International 2016, Miss Intercontinental 2016 for Indonesia, Puteri Indonesia 2017 perwakilan Kep.Bangka-Belitung, Putri Indonesia perwakilan DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia Fashion Week 2022, co-Founder Indonesia Fashion Parade 2019 sd saat ini Aktif dibidang edukasi, antara lain : menjadi salah satu staf pengajar di LPK PAPMI DIY jurusan Fashion Design sejak thn.2014 s.d thn.2016, menjadi pembicara / narasumber diberbagai forum & seminar, antara lain : narasumber Fashion Tips & Trick Rakosa Female Radio, Yogyakarta Thn.2011-2012, “ Challenge your Success by Vitalis Thn.2015” di UGM Yogyakarta & UNDIP Semarang, Seminar Nasional “Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa Melalui Pendidikan & Ekonomi Kreatif”, Thn 2017 di UNINDRA Jakarta, Narasumber talkshow “Women & Creative Enterpreneurship with Bhineka Life Insc.” 28 April 2018 di Ambarukmo Plaza, Jogjakarta "Best Networking" for Inspiring Womenpreneur Competition 2019, di Yogyakarta sejak Thn 2014 sd saat ini aktif menjadi Mitra Industri & pendamping program PKL/Prakerin/Magang bagi Sekolah-sekolah kejuruan Tata Busana, dan sejak thn 2022 sd. saat ini menjadi Mitra Industri program Up/Re-Skilling Guru-guru sekolah Vokasi Indonesia, BBPPMPV Kementrian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Indonesia, serta menjadi juri diberbagai kompetisi Fashion Design

    What services do you provide
    Once worn dressJasa Fashion Designer Groom's attire Bridesmaid dress Custom made dress
    ARIESANTHI (Fashion Designer) d/a Dayu Asri No.7 Gg.Dayu Utama, RT 02/RW 27 Jl.Kaliurang km.8,9 Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Jogjakarta (55581) ARIESANTHI Boutique House (Fashion Designer) 55581

    we are designers who provide services design and manufacture/custommade of wedding dress/gown and couple, both traditional attire and international wedding gown. Our design has its own uniqueness because based on personality of each individual, so our prices depend on your request until we are proud to be part of your most precious moment

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