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    Annora Pics Ulasan

    31 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    22 November 2023 | Client di Pernikahan Tander & Selly

    Prewed Foto & Video

    Hallo Tim Annora. Terimakasih tim perjuangan satu harian kita ke 3 tempat , udh buat mood kita tetap baik supaya hasil fotofotonya bagus , tapi apa daya kita dibali jalan jalan suka lupa waktu 😆 . Bahkan dibesok harinya kita foto kita cuman tidur beberapa jam🥹 buttt hasill fotonya dan videonya keren2 🥰 see you dimoment selanjutnya . Buat Catin yg mau Prewed ato pun ingin melangsungkan pernikahan jgn ragu buat mengabadikan moment indah kalian bersama 🥰
    08 November 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Irfan & Sherly

    Prewed photo&video

    Would like to say thankyou very much to Annora! The photos&video were so captivating and suits more than our expectation! I still remembered how fast our online meeting was. I told them the moodboard i wanted, and they exactly made it to the reality on the photoshoot day. We are so grateful to the team, and hopefully we could meet in other photoshoot session again next time. Such a great work, Annora!
    16 Oktober 2023 | Client di Pernikahan Hairong & Janica

    Annora Prewedding Photoshoot

    Thank you annora! Foto dan video pre wedding nya bagus bgt 🩷 photographer dan videographer nya baik dan pintar suru gaya 😆 harga juga sangat ok! Thanks again annora team
    11 Oktober 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Tiara & Supriadi

    bagus bgtttt. vendor yg sgt membantu

    suka bgt pakai annora, dari awal liat portonya aja ud suka bgt. harga jg sgt masuk 👍👍👍
    05 Oktober 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan R

    Couple sessions

    Annora bagus banget & professional!! Mantap pokoknya, aku suka bgt hasil foto & editannya.. harganya juga oke banget
    Serly Novitasari
    20 September 2023 | Vendor rekanan di Pernikahan Ken & Serly

    Fun Prewedding

    makasi yaah Annoras Team sangat sesuai ekspektasi mantappp banyak yg komen kaya drakor juga videonyaa hahaha🥰 fotonya jugaa baguss polll such a blessed bisa photo bareng kalian semoga sukses terusss🙏


    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Hi-Res image,  Digital files
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Candid,  Black and White,  Conceptual,  Journalism,  Portraiture,  Destinations
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Journalism,  Portraiture,  Destinations
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot,  Beauty shoot
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Beauty shoot
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Changing the photoshoot date is possible within the year as long as the date is still available
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Oh yeah, we travel everywhere and when we go overseas we are not only being your photographer, but it is being to be bro and sis connection
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Definitely. We provide all digital file for you and your partner.
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    We shoot all files with the most recent gears, but it is not the most important point. because the man behind the camera counts more
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    with a certain amount of time
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    To capture the natural chemistry, we prefer the couples to be them self t. Hence, it becomes unique photos.
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    We charge hourly and it depend on what package that you took.
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    We provide the proof ready for reviewing in 1 week period and it is unedited photos, we will finish the editing in 4-8 weeks period
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    It is 8 weeks after the wedding day
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    the most ideal time for client to contact us around 4-6 weeks before photoshoot
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    Jl. Gn. Tangkuban Perahu No.888x, Padangsambian Klod, Kec. Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar 80117

    Hello there! This is Annora, we will lead you to discover the limitless power of light. an eternal love that is always connected to each other. The beauty of sunrise portrays the beginning of your story and the beautiful sunset reminds. us that all stories have an end.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.