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Vendor yang pernah bekerja sama Anda
Andie Oyong Project Ulasan
24 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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unforgettable moments!
Dear AOP Team,
I am beyond grateful to have you running my special day! I have known since the beginning that you guys would got me covered for everything I need. All the details, planning, and running the event I believe went very well. Not only each one of you is very very helpful and friendly, but you guys are so dexterous!
Sometimes I got anxious because of course I want everything to running perfectly, but also sometimes something coming up and makes me need to find another way to deal with it. But mas Andie helped me to sharing and listen for everything I said to make a win-win solutions through out my problems. I believe this is the most important thing all the Brides and Grooms need the most .
Me, Putra, and all of our family would really thank each one of your crew and give you a big recommendation as the best Wedding Organizer that beyond fully meet all the brides and grooms expectations. Much love to you!

About AOP
AOP the best Wedding Organizer!! Why can I talk like that, because almost for the past 6 months, I with my partner are always reminded of all the wedding vendors starting from photography, catering and others. the AOP crew is also very friendly and professional.
Balasan Vendor
27 Januari 2019
Thanks for giving us an opportunity for handling ur wedding event. and Thanks for being our new friends and partners.. Happy Wedding for both of u..

Great Job AOP!
We got recommendation about AOP from our venue vendor. We were informed that actually the man behind AOP has been working in Organising wedding for years and AOP has a great team. We only had one preliminary meeting with AOP, then we directly made agreement with them with no doubt, how we could say, it was like we directly had chemistry in there. AOP kept encouraging us to prepare everything. AOP explained step by step what we had to do in details, they really took care our wedding preparation. As a result, AOP works were proven in our Wedding Day, their team was professional, they took care every inch of us, we didn't miss anything. Great job guys! Thanks for assisting us for almost one year!

Andie Oyong Project, you're ROCK!!!
Thank you so much AOP Team yg sudah sangat membantu berlangsungnya acara pernikahan kami. Dari mulai acara2 adat sampai acara resepsi nasional.
Kalian tim WO yg kompak bgt.. Senang sekali kalian bisa menjadi bagian di hari bahagia kami.
Untuk Andie, terima kasiiihh sekali sudah dgn sabar mengurus perjalanan wedding dari awal, mulai dari sangjit, martumpol, sampai resepsi adat dan nasional.
Untuk Ronie dan Sopa terima kasih banyak juga ya sudah siap siaga selalu untuk mengurus segala keperluan kami selama acara.
Sukses terus AOP!!
With love
Team Wo yg sangat gokil
Saya baru menikah tanggal 3 febuari 2018 dan saya serta suami memutuskan untuk memakai WO team AOP, selain team nya seru-seru banget, acara saya dibuatkan dengan se detail" nya, jadi gak perlu takut ada miss. 2 minggu sebelum hari H pun team AOP sudah mengenalkan diri kepada keluarga jadi keluarga tau siapa PIC dariteam AOP. Acara saya pun berjalan dengan mulus dan tidak ada komplain dari pihak keluarga dan vendor lainnya.
Thanks AOP.
Balasan Vendor
19 Februari 2018
Special thanks for Lioni & Hendry . One of my best team is gettng married now hehe. Acara simple and seru. Very entertaining dgn style kids jaman now. Still stay.in the group yaa dear...

Our Dream Wedding Come True!
Memutuskan buat kerja sama, sama team AOP as our wedding organizer pertamanya itu karena di rekomendasiin sama tante watie iskandar, kebetulan aku dekorasi nya juga sama tante watie dan udah kenal deket sama mama.
Team AOP bantuin aku dan suami banget dari sebelum nikah dan di hari H nya sampe ke detail-detail yang kecil. Mulai dari cetakin foto buat di pajang, sampein lagu-lagu pilihan aku yang mau di bawain waktu resepsi, milihin hand bouquet, bantuin sampein mau edit design buat photobooth, sampe nego kalimat ijab qobul jangan ke panjangan soalnya suamiku bukan orang Indonesia hahaha. Waktu hari H, personal assistant aku bantuin bangunin biar ga telat, ambilin minum, tenangin aku waktu sebelum akad, panggilin pernari buat sempetin aku latihan dulu sebelum resepsi, etc.
Makasih banyak ya AOP dan team, terutama mas Andie dan Dhanie. Sukses terus! Semoga kita ketemu lagi di nikahan adik aku yang gatau kapan haha. Hope our paths crossed again someday! See you around!
Balasan Vendor
19 Februari 2018
Thanks a lot buat kesempatannya yaah. Kasus langka dapat client yang baru tatap.muka H-1. Hehehe
Semoga bisa menjadi kenangan manis kita bersama yaaa
See you too dear...
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Wedding Planning
What service do you provide?
Day of coordinator, Full planning, Partial planning
What sort of planning do you cover?
Wedding styling and concept, Budget preparation, Detailed task checklist, Attendee list preparation, Venue selection, Reception planning, Rehearsal dinner planning, Ceremony planning
What is your primary expertise?
Intimate wedding, Grand wedding, International wedding , Cultural wedding , Religious wedding ceremony
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
under 500 pax to 500 pax up
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
The most ideal is 6-12 months before the wedding day
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
20% for the downpayment, 30% for 2nd payment, 30% for 3rd payment, and 20% for final payment
When was your business established?
Our Businnes starts from 2003
Jl P.Tubagus Angke
Komp Taman Harapan Indah Blok G 3/3
Jakarta Barat 11460
We are consultants devote our careers to helping couples create their dream weddings. We have undergone training and coursework and have worked for years under the mentoring of an experienced and successful wedding planner. It takes dozens of hours over many months to ensure that every detail is in place and that the final event will be a pleasure for both bride and groom.
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