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    Heijuli Makeup Review(s)

    9 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Chrissy Gunawan
    15 September 2019 | Client at Vita Wedding

    Super Happy with the result!!!

    Puas banget sama hasil makeup ci Juli. My make up is totally on point! I love it!! She is really friendly, accomodating and easy to communicate with. So, I really recommended her! You'll never regret it :)
    Sherly Tan
    13 September 2019 | Client at Evlyn & Kelwin Wedding

    recommended! totally love the result

    bener” hasilnya bagus banget dan tidak mengecewakan! tetep flawless walaupun udah panas”an. and most importantly cicinya humble banget dan selalu dengerin apa kata dari clientnya! so she will give you a satisfaction through the makeup from her magic hand
    13 September 2019 | Bride at evita &steven Wedding

    makeup wedding

    aku suka sama makeup ci Juli, makeupnya soft banget udah gitu rapi banget, bener2 memuaskan banget, dah gitu juga makeupnya tahan lama
    Ellys Natalia
    13 September 2019 | Bride at Jimmy Wedding

    suka bangett sma make upnyaa

    Jadi selama di make up servicenya bagus bangt , baik banget cicinya hehe , pastiny bersih bangt sih pas proses makeupin akunya, dan hasilnya jga oke bangtt karna aku sukanya yg natural look gituu tpi ttep keliatan make up hhe Thankyou yaa
    Thomas Alexander Ryanto
    12 September 2019 | Bride at Calista Chelsea Wedding


    Thanks banget buat ci July and your magic hand ! Ci July orangnya baik, friendly, komunikatif, dan nyaman banget di makeup. Makeup nya ga buat kulit kering dan bisa tahan sampai malam. Pokoknya amaze banget sama hasilnya, sesuai keiinginan, bener2 flawless ! Intinya profesional gak bakal bohongin hasil deh. High recommend !
    11 September 2019 | Client at Bryan Wedding

    Makeup Flawless by Julianti MUA

    Suka banget sama makeup nya Ci Juli. Makeup nya awet banget walau uda seharian acara. Aku suka juga sama pemilihan warna untuk makeup ku. Orang-orang bilang jadi pangling dan banyak yang muji makeup nya bagus. Anyway Cici nya jg super sabar dan detail. Thank you Ci Juli

    Hair & Makeup

    What do your beauty services offer?
    Bridesmaids make up
    How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
    1-5 persons
    Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
    What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Glamour and bold,  Romantic and soft, Korean Glowing
    What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
    Bridal make up,  Bridesmaids make up
    Are you available to do make up after hours?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    Apartemen Green Bay Pluit 14450

    Make Up using high end products and great skin care to protect your precious skin. The style will base on your preference, be it Korean, Natural, Flawless, Glamour, Glowing, Peachy, Pinky, Dewy, Bold or anything else. You can request any style and consult leisurely to me :) Let's make you prettier than ever! <3 More detail contact my WA 0812-8191-1170

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