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7 Review(s), sorted by :
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Very recommended photographer
Tertarik vendor ini karena Ada reman yg sdh pakai. Dan ternyata pelayanannya sangat memuaskan. Cocok untuk kami yg hanya ber budget minim. 6 juta sudah termasuk foto video dan album. Hasilnya oke juga. Pokoke puas lah

aku sih tau hans production dari forum weddingku , disana rame yg bahas hans. judul topik nya foto video murah dan oke.
harganya masih dibawah 10 juta.
terus ko hans nya juga ramah. bisa sekalian bantu2 acara kita juga
Dari kemaren mau review gak bisa2
intinya saya sih suka banget dengan vendor satu ini
mudah dihubungi , enak buat diajak konsultasi
harganya juga oke, masuk budget yg penting hehe
hasil fotnya cakep2 , albumnya juga bagus.
sekalian sama video lagi dan video nya udah HD

Peliputan yang Sukses
Ko Hans si pemilik bisnis ini benar-benar peduli dengan kliennya dan selalu menepati janji, on time, dan helpful. Ini dibuktikannya sejak awal janji temu hingga selesainya acara pernikahan kami. Merasa terbantu sekali oleh tim Hans Production Photography yang meliput acara sejak pagi hingga malam. Datang on time, sabar menunggu, meliput penuh keahlian, dan tidak banyak menuntut ini itu, plus bonus ko Hans yang bisa mengarahkan kami harus begini dan begitu, ko Hans bisa turun tangan mengatur sesuai pengalamannya selama ini karena kami awam tentang tata cara hari pernikahan. Bravo ko Hans... Semakin sukses ya... This one is highly recommended, folks!
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What do your packages include?
Fotografer , Videografer , Album exclusive , dvd all file foto , dvd video wedding
Do you work overseas?
Do you have a replacement photographer in case you become unavailable on the day of the event?
Do you charge based on package, hourly or full day?
full day
Are you available to shoot after hours? If yes, how much do you charge for extra hours?
How soon after the event are the proof ready for viewing?
2 weeks
When will the client get the final album?
about 3 month
Do you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
When will the we get the final album
about 3 month
What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Custom graphic design, Digital files, Hi-Res image, Custom album design, Proof CD of all images
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Contemporary, Journalism, Portraiture, Cultural, Candid, Natural, Classic, Black and White, Conceptual
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Candid, Artistic, Natural
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Beauty shoot
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Jakarta Surabaya karawang bekasi semarang
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
call me first
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