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Foto moto photobooth Review(s)
18 Review(s), sorted by :
Latest Review
So blessed to have them on our wedding day! Good service & package
The best photobooth
Dr awal ak pgn photobooth ala2 barat dimana bentuknya polaroid..foto2 polaroidnya bs ditempel ke album dan ditulis pesan2 dr tamunya..tp lmyn susah nyari vendor spt ini di Indo 🙁 smp2 ak sempet terpikir pakai kamera polaroid biasa dan sediain album nya sndr 😅 untung pas cari2 vendor photobooth di Bridestory, ak ktm Fotomoto. Sewaktu ak hubungi vendornya pun direspon dg cepat dan sangat baik (the admin is Mita and she is a really good person) 💕 Akhirnya ak ambil paket polaroid unlimited 3 jam. Sdh dpt album, soft copy DVD dan cetakan foto dg magnetic frame yg bs ditempel ke kulkas. Selama persiapan..koordinasi Mita dan kami sgt baik. Maaf kita smpt rempong sm desainnya..krn robert perfectionist soal itu (dy desain grafis soalnya) 🙈 akhirnya kita boleh bikin desain sndr untuk watermark fotonya 😄😄 albumnya jg didesain menyesuaikan dg watermark foto2 kita..Trm ksh atas bantuan2nya selama persiapan smp hari H 🤗 tmn2 dan sodara kita pun senang main2 ke photoboothnya..Trm ksh sdh dtg seblm wktnya dan mau menunggu smp tamu2 kita pulang..And thank you for being a part of our special day 🤗🤗
Thank You
We took the photo strip 3 hours unlimited package with .gif for boomerang. The guests loved the concept and the queue was long I heard :))
We also got an album of everyone’s photo with their handwritten message, such a treasure to remember the day.
The team is fun and helpful, thank you mba Mitha for answering all my questions and arranged everything as requested. Keep up the good work!

Photobooth Bikin Nagihh..!!
Terima kasih atas kerjasamanyaa, photoboothnya memuaskann, bagusss, kecee, frame nya bagusss, kalo kata tamu yg dtg commentnya "photoboothnya bikin nagih" dannn truss ada photo albumnya jadi kita bisa liat siapa aja yg dtg dan kasih ucapan.. dannn yg paling penting bisa ditempel dikulkass deh, jadi bisa disimpenn..

Hasil yang Memuaskan.....
Thankyou Foto Moto, hasil fotonya memuaskan sekalii dr segi warna dan angle pengambilan foto, apalg bs request dgn design sendiri , sabar banget ngikutin design permintaan aku yg suka gonta ganti design ditambah banyak bonussnyaa
Vendor Reply
20 March 2019
Hallo kak Gaca & Sevy,,,,
Makasih utk reviewnya ya....☺
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Event Rentals
What items are available for rental?
Photo booth
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Saat ini kami hanya menerima di sekitar Jakarta dan sekitarnya, untuk detailnya silahkan hubungi kami.
On photo booth hire, are prints included with your rental rates?
Can special messages be displayed on index prints?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
3 bulan sebelum acara
What rate do you usually charge at?
Kami memiliki 2 paket yaitu paket LIMITED & UNLIMITED.
Untuk keterangan lengkapnya silahkan dilihat pada bagian pricelist.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
Untuk DP minimal 50% dan sisanya harus sudah dilunaskan maksimal 1 minggu sebelum acara.
Do you offer delivery, setup, and breakdown services?
Does your rental include an attendant or technicians?
What makes your product and services unique?
FRAME MAGNET! YEP! kami adalah photobooth pertama dengan konsep magnetize frame artinya setiap frame Foto Moto dapat dijadikan tempelan kulkas tentu saja dipajang di atas meja juga bisa. Contact marketing kita untuk informasi lengkapnya ....
When was your business established?
Foto Moto Photobooth berdiri sejak tahun 2015.
Photo booth
What type of photo booth do you offer?
Traditional photo booth, Photo booth with photographer
How do you usually charge?
By number of prints, By session length
Do you provide softcopy of the pictures?
Dalam bentuk DVD atau online gallery
Do you provide props for picture taking?
Kami menyediakan banyak props agar setiap event Anda menjadi lebih seru!
What is the minimum and maximum capacity of your photo booth
1 - 20, tergantung lokasi.
Do you provide custom frame design?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
Sebaiknya 30 hari sebelum hari H
What makes your product and services unique?
Frame magnet! Jadi setiap frame kami dapat dijadikan tempelan kulkas. Penasaran?
Does your rental include attendants or technicians?
Do you provide backdrop/booth design?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Apartemen Bassura City
Cipinang, Jakarta Timur 13410
FotoMoto bergerak di bidang jasa photobooth dengan konsep MAGNETIC PHOTO FRAME, artinya setiap hasil fotonya dapat ditempel/dijadikan hiasan/tempelan kulkas.
Penasaran? DM kita aja langsung....
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