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  • Share your experience with Fortunates Music Entertaimanet

    Entertainment (Music)

    What services do you offer?
    Rehearsal dinner music,  Ceremony music, upacara adat sunda,  Reception music
    When was your business established?
    bisnis kami dimulai sejak 2014
    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    electone,  Band,  Soloist
    What is the size of your musical ensemble?
    1 sampai 8 orang
    What music genres do you offer?
    Funk,  Acoustic,  Blues,  Jazz, kacapi suling ,pop sunda , dangdut,  Pop
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Jazz,  Pop,  Funk
    Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
    Sound/PA system
    Do you have your own equipment?
    gitar elektik,akustik, bass , drumpad, saxophon, keyboard
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    belum membuka cabang
    Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
    untuk lagu bisa by riquest oleh klien
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    3 bulan sebelum lebih baik apabila tidak bisa satu bulan sebelum hari H
    What is your repertoire?
    kami menyediakan variasi lagu lagu mulai dari genre - pop - acid jazz - blues top 40
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    kami memiliki paket yangbervariasi sesuai kebutuhan mulai dari wedding gathering birthday party event
    What is your usual attire?
    pakaian kasual , formal atau sesuai yang klien inginkan
    What makes your services unique?
    kami mengemas setiap musik dengan cara kami sendiri dengan aransemen aransemen yang segar sehingga lagu lagu yang dimainkan taidak akan bosan didengarkan
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    50 % setelah kon firmasi kontrak 50 % setelah acara selesai
    Jl Kartika Raya No 254 C RT 01 RW 02 Komplek KPAD Gegerkalong Bandung 40153

    kami adalah music entertaiment yang menawarkan jasa hiburan musik untuk acara wedding gathering event birthday party newyears eve

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.