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Explore Photograph Review(s)
71 Review(s), sorted by :
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Photographer Wedding Terbaik
Jujur ya, crew Explore Photograph sangat ramah terhadap kliennya. Mau dengerin permintaan kliennya dan kasih saran yang terbaik buat kliennya. Hasilnya? jangan tanya lagi, sumpaaah keren banget. Sesuai dengan keinginan kita, sangat memuaskan sekali.

Explore Photography
vendor foto wedding terbaik.
1. Crew yang ramah.
2. enak banget diajak diskusi.
3. Budget reasonable untuk hasil yang memuaskan.
mulai dari prewed bantu banget ngasih saran untuk hasil terbaik sampai hari H, hasilnya sangat memuaskan
terima kasih mas juno & tim explore photography

explore photographer recomended!
hasil fotonya bagus dan affordable, pada saat sesi keluarga dan semua moment tercapture semua dengan baik, walaupun menunggu hasilnya agak lama so far aku suka dengan hasilnya, semoga untuk acara kedepan bisa menggunakan explore photography lagi terima kasih ya mas juno dan tim,
vedy & dira

Photographer Wedding Terbaik !!
Sebagai calon pengantin pasti bingunglah ya utk pilih2 vendor, pinginnya yang bagus karna utk kenang2an juga kan. Dan karna waktu itu aku udah dapet paket foto dari vendor catering jadi yauda ga mau dipusingin, eh pas baca2 review orang, katanya kurang bagus hasilnya. Okelah ku keluarin dari paket dan kucari sendiri. Buka2 bridestory hiks mahal2 amat ya. Tapi dapet ni vendor ini, mereka punya beberapa paket yang bisa kita pilih. Aku pas liat galery mereka kok ya suka banget sama warna tone gambarnya. Bikin ceria gitu haha. Ku kontak lah adminnya, cukup responsif dan ramah dan lanjut di chat. Tapi ya karna sibuk banget ama kerjaan jadi ku sendiri jarang bales. Duh maaf ya explore 🙏🙏🙏 untungnya dengan keadaan customer kayak aku begitu, kru dan tim explore tetep memberikan yang terbaik buat wedding aku. Kita baru ketemuan pas H-semingguan di venue, astaga 😂🙏🙏 Tapi tetep pas acara, foto2 mereka dapet banyak moment yang penting, trus gambarnya jelas, tone warna nya baguss, trus sampe banyak ngarahin gaya juga untuk foto berdua sampe2 akunya udah sakit kepala gara2 rondeng dan malah minta udahan, maaf ya 😂 hasil jadinya pun bagusss banget, albumnya mewah dan classic. Foto2 sama orang pentingnya dapet juga. Mantap deh. Ku puas banget jadi customer nya explore 👍
Best Photographer
Terima kasih untuk Explore Photograph & Exponizer, benar2 professional dari awal ketemu sampe hari H di bantu sampai selesai. Awalnya cuma mau foto aja eh ternyata ada WO nya juga jadi sekalian dan ternyata WO nya juga bagus bangat. Ngebantu semua nya dari 0 sampai 100. Pokoknya puasssss banget, komunikasi nya lancar ga ilang2an, hasil fotonya bagus2 dan di kasih bonus prewedding juga hehe.
Thank you untuk mas Juno dan mba Septi!
Ismi & Tomoya
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What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Prints, Proof CD of all images, Digital files, Custom album design
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Contemporary, Journalism, Portraiture, Cultural, Candid, Artistic, Natural, Classic, Vintage, Black and White, Conceptual
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Portraiture, Candid, Conceptual
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot, Maternity shoot, Baby shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot, maternity shoot, event
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
bandung, jogja, semarang, surabaya, bali, belitong
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
What is your payment terms?
50% after confirmation of contract, 50% one a week before d-day
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
When was your business established?
our busniess started way back in 2012. we are currently one of the most prominent vendors in our field
What rate do you usually charge at?
we charge 250k /hourly
How far in advance should your client contact you?
the most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 3-4 months prior to the wedding day
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
usually our client provides meal but our photographers could take care of their own meals as long as it was informed before D-day
What makes your services unique?
our photographers are always friendly, warm and comforting.
they know how to make you feel comfortable and allow you become yourself on your big day
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
I direct them personally with my team, making sure every moment looks perfet in the album
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
depending on the requirements of the clients, they usually get the proof ready for review 7-14 days after the wedding day
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
depending on the requirements of the clients, they usually get the final album 4-6 weeks after client after their approval
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Green grass town house blok b6 lantai 2, Jalan Malaka raya ciracas jakarta timur. 13730
explore photograph was established in 2011 by a couple of husband and wife Junowakira and Septikusuma
Our team is quite experienced in wedding & pre-wedding photography Youthful and creativity is our main capital to finish a project which can help the newly wed on preserving their beautiful and joyful moment with all their hearts.
High sense of kinship to our client is our priority, because success or failure of a project is depend on the convenience of the team involved
we’d love to meet you
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