Blog / Relationship Tips

Relationship Tips on
The Bridestory Blog

We are here not only to feed your inspired minds, but also your heart and soul. We are very enthusiastic to share our experience, thoughts and knowledge to improve your relationship a little bit before-and-after marriage.

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Love is Overrated
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For me, love requires work. A lot of work. Falling in love is easy, but love is not as easy. To love means signing up to a full-time job. It means to sign up for a roller coaster ride which the ups, downs and twists are unpredictable. One day she is your angel; another day she is your biggest pain in the ass. One day he is your hero; another day he is your biggest enemy.

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Spending Holiday Seasons Alone? Why Not!
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Holiday seasons are coming, but still single? Don't you worry, Beautiful. It is okay to spend the holiday seasons alone!

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