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Barley Cakes Review(s)
19 Review(s), sorted by :
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wedding cake
trrimakasih ya kue dtg on time dan bagusss rasanya juga enak thanks barley

Thankyou team Barley Cake buat pelayanannya❤️ aku happy banget sama hasil dekornya, sesuai permintaan aku, dan hasilnya super cute banget. Untuk kuenya, dari rasa juga enak, thankyou ya Barley Cake😍
Thankyou barley sudah provide wedding cake aku dengan sangat baikk. Bunga di kue cantik dan cake boxnya enakk. familyku sukaaa. thankyou so much! very recommended! 🥰

Best Wedding Cake in Town
Dekorasi dari kue yang datang melebihi ekspektasi, speechless banget pas lihat. Cake yang datang jauh lbih bagus dari foto aslinya! Additional request seperti perubahan warna bunga dan penempatan bunga juga sesuai dengan yang kita mau, pkonya mantap!
Sukses terus untuk Barley Cakes!
Vendor Reply
18 May 2022
Terimakasih ya kak..semoga pernikahan kakak terus langgeng sampai.kakek nenek..
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Wedding Cake
Do you provide customary cakes?
Do you offer private tastings or open house tastings?
Describe how you price, such as by slice or by tier, for your cakes?
On Avarage 1-1.5 million
Do you offer custom cakes, or do you work with pre-designed styles?
Yes, we can do offer custom cake
What (if any) special ingredients, such as fresh fruits or farm-fresh butter, do you use in your cakes?
Yes, by order
On average, how far in advance of the event do you prepare the cake?
20 event per days
What (if any) cake accessories, such as a cake stand or cake cutter, do you rent out?
Do you provide customary cakes?
Do you offer private tastings or open house tastings?
Do you offer custom cakes, or do you work with pre-designed styles?
What dietary needs do you accomodate?
No pork
What (if any) special ingredients, such as fresh fruits or farm-fresh butter, do you use in your cakes?
Yes, we use fresh fruits
What kind of desserts do you cater?
Cheeze, Cookies, Cupcakes, Dessert buffet, Fruit, Pastries
On average, how far in advance of the event do you prepare the cake?
3-30 days depending the design on the cake
What cake accessories, such as a cake stand or cake cutter do you rent out?
What other services do you provide?
Cake cutting, Dessert station
How far in advance should your client make an order?
3 months before the day
What makes your product and services unique?
We can offer custom model.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
What is your payment terms?
30% on deposit, the rest is 30 days before the day
When was your business established?
we estabilished 2003
Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat Raya no 2A, Jakarta barat 11150
Barley adalah perusahaan lokal dari Indonesia,turut menghadirkan roti & cake yang lezat & inovatif.Berdiri sejak tahun 2003 dan mulai tahun 2010 kami mulai.sering ikut pameran wedding karena banyak permintaan pelanggan.
Misi kami adalah memberikan & mempertahankan secara konsisten standar yg tinggi dalam pelayanan baik kualitas produk dan service terhadap pelanggan.
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