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Artwedding Review(s)
14 Review(s), sorted by :
Latest Review

Dear ArtWedding Team
We thank you so much buat service dari tim Art Wedding di acara kami, especially to Angel dan Reva yg dari awal sangat responsif, komunikatif dan helpful selama proses persiapan sampai hari H. Overall acara berjalan indah & sukses walaupun ada drama 🤣 We both are so happy. So recommended deh. We wish you a good luck for your business to make a next bride and groom are happy in their big day. Gbu 💕

Excellent Wedding Organizer
Hallo Mas Reva, Mba Angel dan Team Artwedding
Thank you banget udah bantu acara wedding kami dengan segala kerepotan nya WKWK. Gak pernah salah pilih Artwedding buat jadi WO. Udh 2x Artwedding bantu acara weddingan dikeluarga kami. Cici saya dan saya sendiri hehe.
Mas Reva dan Mba Angel banyak bgt ngasih referensi vendor pas lg masa persiapan buat married. Mulai dari venue, catering, MUA, dll. Banyak membantu jg pada saat acara. ambil ini itu, siapin ini itu. dan yg terpenting, service yg diberikan luar biasa. super sabar dan asik bgt.
Pokok nya, sukses terus buat Artwedding. Tuhan Yesus memberkati

Excellent service for preparation & D-day!!
Thank you Ka Angel & Mas Reva (Artwedding) are very kind, helpful, humble, friendly, always fast respond, providing solutions, giving good idea and all success, Good job good team!!❤️❤️

Wedding of Irena & Ilham
Fast response sedari awal kontak dan lgsg match begitu ketemu ngobrol nyambung tektok gampang ga susah dicari/ditunggu2 kalo kita chat, ga kaku2 pembawaannya rileks dan agak banyol hehe, ga takut nerima job nyiapin wedding yg lumayan dadakan, terhitung efektif persiapan 2 bulan karena kepotong libur lebaran, client-oriented dan good listener bgt sama apa yg dimau client serta memperjuangkan ke vendor-vendor lainnya juga. Sabar ngadepin aku yang panik menjelang hari H dan aku yg clueless karena kebetulan pasangan sama2 anak pertama yg belum ada pengalaman di keluarga untuk persiapan wedding. Satisfied!

Superb Crew
Thank you Artwedding Team for making our wedding day as wonderful as it can be!! 🤗\nSejak awal contact Mba Angel, disambut dgn baik dan ramah, helpful bgt.\nWalopun awalnya blm pasti, tetap dibantu dan tdk perhitungan.\nAnd because of that kind&warm attitude, we decided to engage Artwedding Team for our special day and no doubt our wedding day feel so special.\nThe team work with their heart. Help you as many as they can. Give opinion but still not push you and let the groom bride decide what's best for them.\n\nWe are so grateful and hopefully Artwedding Team can grow much bigger and able to help many more couples!!\n\nCheers 🥂

Good Wedding Organizer Service
Kak Angel and Kak Reva are very friendly to us and our family, they always respond well and fast and help us to solve our wedding plans before the D-Day. They also recommend some amazing vendors and also help us to contact them. They work very fast in the D-Day and monitor all the vendor works well. Thank you so much for your help, and keep up the good work, Artwedding!
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Wedding Planning
What sort of planning do you cover?
Reception planning, Ceremony planning, Venue selection, Wedding styling and concept, Detailed task checklist
What service do you provide?
Day of coordinator, Partial planning, Full planning
What is your primary expertise?
Intimate wedding, Grand wedding, Bataknese Wedding , Java Wedding, Islam & Christian, pernikahan internasional (mohon tulis rinciannya)
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
because when we meet there will be more information that we will present
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
6 month prior to the wedding
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
10 hours
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
10% after signed contract, 40% 2 month before the wedding, 50% 1 month before the wedding
When was your business established?
Komp. BPP Sukapura, Jalan Teluk Bone No.3
Jakarta Utara 14140
Artwedding was founded in 2018 by ourselves to fulfill our dream in having our own Wedding Organizer.It is founded due to our personal experience,on how difficult it is to get the most suitable and the best vendor without any references for our dream wedding.Thus, we formed and presented to you, Artwedding, the Wedding Organizer, with various vendor references and for helping you to choose the most suitable vendor and manage your wedding event.
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