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Anthony Stevven Review(s)
71 Review(s), sorted by :
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Perfect MC and Ent!
Best MC ever, pembawaannya ga berlebihan tapi tetap santai dan fun! Cocok bgt sama wedding aku yg intimate jd makin seru. Ko Stevven jg baik dan aktif bgt, selalu kasih masukan ke kita dan juga interaktif dr awal book sampai hari acara. Wish u all the best ya ko!
Vendor Reply
10 September 2024
Thank you ci Susy buat reviewnya! Seneng bgt bisa bantu intimate wedding mu 🙏, once again congrats yaa ci, keep in touch ☺️
Great Sangjit MC
Thanks Anthony for helping our sangjit! Anthony has a warm personality. He’s quick to help & accommodating with client :)
Vendor Reply
24 March 2024
Haiii thank you Gaby for trusting me as your Sangjit Mc! Happy honeymoon and congratulation on your Union!
Thank you Ko Anthony & double v entertainment sudah menjadi bagian dari hari bahagia kita! Ko Anthony itu dan entertainmentnya best deal banget sih dan untuk bride to be jgn sampe salah pilih MC, karena penting bgt MC utk melangsungkan rangkaian acara di hari h.. Ko Anthony orangnya humble, cheerfull, interaktif banget sama tamu jadi hari h acara ga bosen, helpfull banget juga dr sebelum kt wedding banyak mnt tlong ke ko Anthony.. Untuk entertainment nya juga kelas banget, baik dari penyanyi, pemusiknya perfect.. Thankss Ko Anthony & double v entertainment
Vendor Reply
24 March 2024
Hai Ci Viviyen, thank you yaa buat kepercayaannya buat anthony dan double V entertainment bisa jadi bagian hari Wedding mu, happy banget bisa bantu dan bikin wedding kalian memorable! Semoga selalu di bukan pintu berkat buat kalian yaa ci, GBu
To all couples yg lagi cari vendor MC for sangjit, gak usah galau cari2 MC lain! Just go with ko Anthony and team dijamin puas 👍🏻
Ko Anthony and Double V Entertainment itu vendor paling pertama yg aku book di pertengahan tahun lalu even sebelom book vendor2 for wedding karna takut keduluan couple lain 🙈 gak pake cari2 vendor lain dan lgsg book karna udah liat kinerja nya di sangjit2 my friends yg dibantu sama ko Anthony.
From MC to semua preparation sangjit dibantu sama ko Anthony and his team from isian baki, draft speech, sampe angkat2in buntut sangjit dress aku 🥹 udah kyk WO intinya. Couldn’t ask for a better vendor pokoknya. Super blessed bisa ketemu ko Anthony and his team karna aku merasa terbantu banget even before acara berlangsung. My family yg taunya terima jadi pas hari H nya pun super duper happy and satisfied karna semua diarahin dengan smooth and yg paling penting fun.
Thank you so much ko Anthony & team for being part of our sangjit day. Suskses selalu yaa ko 🫶🏻
Vendor Reply
24 March 2024
Thank you so much ci Priska buat reviewnya soal service ku, seneng banget bisa bantu acara samgjit kalian dari persiapan cari venue sampai eksekusi hari H. Happily ever after yaa ci
Best Sangjit MC and WO
Thank youuu so much Anthony and team for being so helpful and patient, during preps & on our sangjit day. Dari awal contact Anthony sdh sgt profesional dan jelas, gk perlu waktu lama utk decide MC dan ternyata memang gk salah pilih. Semua kebingungan juga terjawab dan terselesaikan dgn sangat baik. Di samping itu, acara berjalan dgn lancar dan rapi. We were happy and satisfied clients. Definitely recommended! Sukses selalu ya ton :D
Vendor Reply
06 November 2023
Hai Febe! Terima kasih buat reviewnya yaa ! Seneng banget bacanya dan bersyukur bisa bantuin sangjit kamu dan steven. Lancar lancar yaa feb sampe hari H. Keep in touch
Our sangjit day experience
Such a helpful team! We owe it to them the success of our event, such great initiative and professional experience on the field! Would definitely recommend using Anthonys services to my friends and families!!! We are very thankful towards them and wishing them great success!
Vendor Reply
11 September 2023
Hai Ci Ivanna! Thanks for sharing your though and experience my services as Sangjit Emce and organize it. Its my pleasure to help your sangjit. Goodluck yaa ci for your wedding preparations. Gbu 🙏
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Entertainment (MC)
What are the languages that you use?
English, Indonesian
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
price exclude Riders
What cultural wedding procession are you most familiar with?
International wedding
Do you have a replacement MC in case you become unavailable on the event day?
How far in advance should your client contact you?
3 months in advance would be great, but if they must and if i am available, the latest 2 week before the event
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
30% for Booking fee, and 70% H-3 before event
What is your mc style during a wedding?
Elegant and intimate
What is your usual attire?
base on event and match with client request
What rate do you usually charge at?
i have different package for event and wedding. for event depend on negotiation and for wedding i charge per event
When was your business established?
Since 2006 I was start from Radio Announcer at 96,3 RPK FM, and I am falling in love with that job and have a dream to be Professional Master of Ceremony. I learned a lot from my experience for many event and take a formal education for Professional MC and TV Presenter at TalkInc , School for MC and public Speaking own by Becky Tumewu. In 2012, I hosted TV program for Mivo TV (Online Streaming TV)
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
2011 - 3rd winner MC search mall Ciputra jakarta.
2011 - Professional MC and Presenter class at Talk-Inc school for TV presenter – MC in-house programs for Public Speaking
What makes your services unique?
good communication, creative and professional. i have experience for handle small or big wedding event, and how to anticipate and handle problem that could possible during a event.
how to contact me?
im available at 081808093737
whatsapp : 081808093737
line : anthonystevven
Jatinegara timur 3 nomor 10. Jatinegara timur
Since 2006 I was start from Radio Announcer at 96,3 RPK FM. I take a formal education for Professional MC and TV Presenter at TalkInc , School for MC and public Speaking own by Becky Tumewu. In 2012, I hosted TV program for Mivo TV (Online Streaming TV)
Currently, I had working for many events such as, Company Gathering, Product Launching, Offair event, Wedding, and Birthday party.I always do my best for every moment that I made in my event with professional, elegant and intimate
Anthony Stevven is featured in 2 Bridestory Blog articles:
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