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Yuo And Leather Review(s)
26 Review(s), sorted by :
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Love at first sight!
We were looking for a unique, useful and customize things as our wedding souvenir. And yes, Yuo and Leather is the perfect vendor! They provide a high quality faux leather and of course with a free live stamping initial (this what we love the most!) with reasonable price. Moreover, other things that we love so much about this vendor is their super fast response when replying my messages. Besides, they also provide beautiful boxes for our souvenirs with super affordable price!
We love this vendor too much! ❤️
Thank you Yuo and Leather!
P.S: also thanks for giving us some small souvenirs with initials during our visit to the wedding fair 🥰
Vendor Reply
24 February 2020
Thank you cici
Setelah nanya bbrp banyak vendor, cuma Yuo & Leather yg bener" sreg, sampe bolak balik nanya karena jauh & bingung gimana dealnya dari surabaya ke jakarta. Ternyata ownernya sangat helpful, ramah, rela bolak balik kirim sampel rapih sampe langsung OK. Thankyou Yuo & Leather, All the best!
Vendor Reply
16 February 2020
Thank you dear, God bless

Recommended Vendor
Sudah kepingin pakai Yuo dari awal rencanain nikah, akhirnya keturutan, booking nya dari jauh jauh hari sekali, supaya bisa dapat livestamping nya. Semua barang souvenirnya cantik dan berguna. Owner juga very helpfull dan pengertian banget. So Happy that finally can have Yuo and Leather in my 2 biggest day of my life 😁😁
Vendor Reply
06 February 2020
Thankissss sissyyy, happily ever after

Pas lagi cari2 souvenir kebetulan nemu vendor ini dan langsung tertarik buat pesen. Awalnya pesen jauh2 hari sebelum hari-h tapi sebulan mendekati hari-h mau nambah quantity lagi karena nambah jumlah undangan dan ternyata bisa. Padahal awalnya takut2 ditolak gitu karena terlalu mepet. Tapi baiknya tetep dilayanin huhu. Pelayanannya top, adminnya juga ramah banget2. Pokoknya puas banget bisa nemu vendor buat souvenir kaya gini. Sukses selalu kak!🤍
Vendor Reply
30 January 2020
Kita yang seneng banget bisa selalu bantuin kak hehehe, thank you banget kak :* ❤❤❤
Premium Wedding Souvenir
You can find a premium quality souvenir in Yuo and Leather. Highly recommended vendor and very communicative owner :) our souvenirs came earlier then our expectation and super fast! All of the items are made perfectly. If you’re looking for a premium souvenir, this is definitely the vendor you need to deal with. Thank you Yuo and Leather :)
Vendor Reply
30 January 2020
Wahhhh, so happy to hear that sissyyy, thank you so much <3

Souvenir perfect !
Pertama bgg mau pilih souvenir apa yg bagus, harga oke, dan pastinya pengen bgt bs di pake sama orang2.. pas nyari2 smbil liat2 souvenir di sby, byk yg kurang pas.. waktu ktman sm owner Yuo and leather trs liat2 hasilnya, bagus bgt.. pasanganq orgnya perfect, sampe di liat detail bgt sm dia and dia bilng bagus ini.. Akhrnya ktmuan lg trs janjian lg buat ngedealin souvenir.. q blng k owner yuo krng 3bln lg lho, nutut kah? Dia blng msh nutut. Waktu itu ngedeal bln juli pertengahan dan sdh di krm bulan sept akhr.. pas souvenir dtg, luar biasaa rapiihh bgt pekerjaannya.. dari jahitnya.. the best pkknya.. q pesen h2 untuk tmpt pasport.. thank youuu poooollll sm yuo and leatherr.. !!! Sukses selaluuu yaakk.. thank youu sdh menjadi bagian dr bridestory untuk q..
Vendor Reply
02 October 2019
❤❤❤❤ thanks a lot Indri n ko Hans.. happy prepare..
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Favors & Gifts
What services do you offer?
Bridal shower favours, Personalized wedding favours, Bridal accessories, Bridesmaid gifts, Groomsman gifts, Themed wedding favours, Wedding Gifts, Cultural wedding favours
What type of items do you offer?
Fashion accessories, Wallet
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Shipping cost not included
Do you provide delivery services?
Do you ship worldwide?
Shopping cost not included
What makes your services unique?
Yuo and Leather use the finest Faux Leather and we will give you the best services. You can compare our stitches with others.
Do you offer a limited catalogue of favours or custom wedding favours?
Catalogue of choices , Custom favours
Do you offer samples?
yes we do if its possible
What is the charge for not reaching minimum?
We will charge based on total quantity order
What are your delivery times?
approximately 2 - 3 days. it depends on where the customer want to send the gifts.
How far in advance should your client make an order?
We prefer 4 - 6 months before the wedding day. But we can help you if you order less than 3 months.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
When was your business established?
March 2016
Do you have a return policy?
If you need to return the order, you need to send it back all of the stuff and we have to check it first based on our first agreement.
What is your payment terms?
50% after dealing, 50% before we send the package
Can you make an initial in our gifts?
yes, we will help you to put initial in your gifts and we also will design it for you
Yuo and Leather provide the finest faux leather souvenir for your wedding gift. We also can make faux leather souvenir for corporate event. Say what you needs and we will fulfill all of your needs.
Yuo And Leather is featured in 3 Bridestory Blog articles:
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