Suit Design for Emile Heskey
by Wong Hang Distinguished Tailor
Updated on 04 February 2015

Wong Hang is the official tailor for Indonesia national football team. Thus, from this project, we are entrusted again to have the honor designing Emile Heskey's suit. Emile Heskey is England national football player, one of the senior and legend in England. Because the time was so short, we had to make the production process within 24 hours. The results were very satisfying and we are honored to have a repeat order from Emile Heskey. Wong Hang Distinguished Tailor merupakan official tailor untuk tim nasional sepak bola Indonesia dipercaya kembali untuk mendesignkan jas untuk salah satu pemain bintang Inggris Emile Heskey pada waktu kunjungan tour Asia beberapa bulan lalu . Karena waktu yang begitu singkat kami tertantang untuk melakukan proses produksi hanya dalam waktu 24 jam. Kami bersyukur hasilnya sangat memuaskan dan Emile berencana akan membuat jas lagi.
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