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The Elopement - Not Your Ordinary Pre-Wedding Video
by Wedding Campaign

Updated on 20 November 2017, Tofino

They've known each other since June 4, 2001, and have been best friends for more than 16 years as of writing. Marta introduced herself to Gina, Marta was an extrovert back then. Marta hated Gina’s guts for the first 3 years of their college life. Gina was a jerk back then. Called each other GF back in college, which stands for “great friend”. Only became a couple after graduating from college and after finishing the board exams. That’s 6 years after being together almost every day. November 1, 2007 – Their first date! It was All Saint’s Day, they just talked over coffee and a shared cake in Figaro Coffee at the former SM North EDSA Garden (nowadays it’s the Skygarden). It’s basically where they decided that they're moving forward with the relationship. They have an unhealthy obsession with notebooks, journals and stationary. Musical theater aficionados. Bibliophiles, bargain bookstore frequenters. Veterinarians, cat lovers, pet adoption advocates. Even though they're getting married in Canada, their entire wedding would embody a sense of nationalism through their use of products and services from homegrown brands.

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