Classy Wedding Ring PC0094 V&Co Jewellery
by V&Co Jewellery
Updated on 20 November 2017, Jakarta

V&Co Jewellery gives You a pair of high quality wedding rings, engagement rings, gold ring and diamond ring to make your special moments more precious. Every wedding ring products of V&Co Jewellery already includes the Certificate and Box Ring. Classy Wedding Rings PC0094 is a classy style rings that you can choose the material by white gold, yellow gold, palladium, platinum, or silver on official website of V&Co Jewellery. Get free vouchers up to Rp 500,000, other promos and discounts, by registering on our website Classy Wedding Rings PC0094's specification is : *Men's Ring Gold: White Gold ( 18k) Finishing : Doff and Glossy Weight: [4.00] gr Free Engraving up to 15 characters *Women's Ring Gold: White Gold ( 18k) Finishing : Doff and Glossy Weight : [3.50] gr Free Engraving up to 15 characters V&Co Jewellery Store : Melawai Plaza Lantai Dasar no 123, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160 Whatsapp : 08111869697/087878767247 Line : vncojewelry Phone : 02172780023 Website : Tokopedia :
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