Prior to The Wedding : - Complimentary food tasting for 6 (six) persons - Coffee Break for 20 (twenty) persons for the final technical meeting - Venue usage for pre-wedding photo-taking session* On Wedding Day : - Venue usage for 4 (four) hours - 1 (one) Family Room usage for 6 (six) hours - Dinner Buffet of your preference for 350 persons - 2 (two) stalls for 200 portion each : Assorted Dim Sum & Salmon En'Croute - 3 (three) Roasted Lamb - Free Flow of ice water during reception - Seperated dinner arrangement for family for 20 (twenty) persons - Electricity usage for maximum 10.000 watts Complimentary : - 2 (two) pcs guest books - Weekdays Green Fee Vouher at BSD Course - Swimming Pool Voucher at BSD Course - Driving Range Voucher at BSD Course - 10 (ten) free parking voucher for family *during maintenance day (Tuesday Morning)