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IDR 22,200,000
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 7,400,000++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 3,700,000++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 1,850,000++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 925,000++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
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Barva Entertainment

Romance Package - Band Format

by Barva Entertainment — Band Musik

  • music
  • wedding band
  • entertainment


Package format 1. Male singer 2. Female singer 2. Keyboard 3. Guitar 4. Saxophone 5. Bass 6. Drum INCLUDE Complete d-day support : - sound system 5.000 Watt - Stage manager - 2 person Music Operator NO HIDDEN FEE ! it's fit for you that have 800 pax wedding guest BARVA WEDDING ENTERTAINMENT supported Under Barva group : Purwacaraka Music & Barva Production lighting sound System. Barva Production Portofolio : 1. 2016 - Official lighting & sound Vendor for Arief Mohammad & Tiara Pangestika 2. 2016 - Official Lighting & Sound for Econo Weeks the Festiva (yophie & nuno, kotak, Yura Yunita, GAC, Maliq & D'Essential, Tulus, DJ Yasmine & DJ Una) 2. 2018 - Official Lighting & sound vendor for Awkarin Birthday party 2. 2018 - Support as main vendor Ardhito Pramono, Marion Jola & pamungkas concert 4. 2020 - Official Music Vendor for angga putra & naya "Anak langit Actor & actress" 5. 2021 - Main home band for Holy wings Kemang Visit : barvaentertainment(dot)com

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