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    Serenity wedding organizer Review(s)

    168 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Vanessa Lesmana
    24 June 2024 | Bride at Vanessa & Nelson Wedding

    Best wo

    So blessed to have them on Our Wedding Day! Thank you so much for the Help, best decision❤️ Thank youu ci Debiiee, Ko Ahong, Ka Tika and all super team
    Tania Delaneira
    10 June 2024 | Bride at Kelvin & tania Wedding

    Best wo ever

    Hallo ci debby thankyou so much yaaa ci sekali lagi uda bantuin aku sama kevin di hari h. Thankyou semua tim serenity terbaik de ci pokoknyaa🥺🫶🏼 semua parents apa lg mami aku happy bgt dihandle tim serenity katanyaa super gercep, detail dan bsa diandelin semua Pokoknya ci debby n team terbaik sih, aku sama kevin bener2 thankyou dan appreciate tim serenity dari pagi sampe malem semua ke handle dengan baik everythings just so perfect dan berjalan lebih dari ekspetasi aku n kevin Thankyou yaaaa ci sekali lgii goodluck dan sukses terus buat ci debby n serenity team❤️
    Emillia Emillia
    16 May 2024 | Bride at Emillia & Christo (20.04.2024) Wedding

    Extraordinary WO

    vendor pertama yang kita deal. bener bener impressed sama Ci Debbie & tim dari persiapan sebelum nikah, terus terusan di reminder sama ci Deb biar semua nya ke checklist dan dibantuin dari A - Z. dan pas hari H semua rundown terrealisasi tanpa ada yang terlewat. 10⭐ services
    Debra Noveliandra
    13 May 2024 | Bride at Debra & Christian Wedding

    Wedding Debra & Christian 4 Mei 24

    Awal awal ngerencanain mau nikah aku sangat picky bgt sama WO bener bener aku mau cari WO yang terbaik untuk acara aku, awalny liat Serenity muncul di IG aku terus aku chat dan udah tertarik😆 ternyata ketemu stand nya Serenity di Bride Story, terus ka Inggit & ci Debbie ngejelasinnya bener bener enak dan detail bgt, akhirnya aku tertarik buat jadiin Serenity WO aku🫶🏻 Dan ternyata emang pilihan aku ga salah, aku bersyukur bgt pilih Serenity, karna bener bener ngebantu bgt, dari awal sampe hari H semuanya di urusin sama Serenity🥹🙏🏻 Waktu hari H semua berjalan lancar dan sesuai sama apa yang aku mau bahkan lebih bagus dari yang aku rencanain huhu, staff nya ramah ramah semua dan seru banget jadi ga bikin tegang, padahal aku baru pertama ketemu sama staff nya di acara tapi bener bener kayak udah kenal lama banget sangking serunya😆😆 acaranya juga jadi seru bgt karna semuanya udah di atur sama Serenity🥰 Semua pada bilang WO nya bagus, dan gesit jugaa hehe, aku bersyukur bgt bisa ketemu Serenity, bisa di bantuin juga di hari special ku, makasi buat Ci Debbie, ka Inggit, Ko Ahong, ci Liefy, Ci Stefany dll yang udah bantuin acara aku🤍🩶🤍 Aku rekomen banget Serenity WO buat jadi Wedding Organizer di acara wedding kalian, karna sebagus itu dan gak bakal mengecewakan🥰🥰
    cindy priscillia
    03 February 2024 | Bride at Leonardo & Cindy 2 Dec 2023 Wedding


    thank you so much ci Debbie, ko Ahong dan semua team Serenity! berkat Serenity, we had so much fun on our wedding day. ga berasa cape, gelisah, pusing, stress at all! karna kita percaya banget sama Serenity buat handle semuanya. saat TM aja sudah terlihat all the team very professional, bener2 tau detail weddingan ku dibandingkan aku. dan ternyata bener, on the day aku bener2 cuma nikmatin acara dari pagi sampe afpar tengah malem dan ga mikirin apapun lagi. everything run smoothly with Serenity. kita bersyukur banget pilih Serenity, one of the best decision we ever made for our wedding. sebagai orang yang pernah bekerja sbg WO, aku bisa bilang kerjaan Serenity sangat rapi, detail dan professional. satu faktor penting lainnya ada Ci Debbie super duper fast respon, menjawab semua pertanyaanku kapanpun dengan detail dan sangat make sense. buat orang yang pertama kali nikah, sangat sangat membantu. thank you Serenity, sudah bikin weddinganku sangat membahagiakan❤️
    July hlnr
    01 February 2024 | Bride at Harry & July Wedding


    Kata orang2, WO itu paling penting. Dari pengalaman, kita setuju banget. H-1 tuh kita masih berasa banyak banget yg belum selesai atau berasa akan berantakan kyknya pas hari H. Tapi ternyata acara kita tuh bener2 smooth luar biasa, semua WO sangat sigap, professional & luar biasa perhatian. Serenity ini salah satu Best Vendor di wedding kita 🙌🏻 gk tau mau ngomong apa lagi. Cuma bs say thankyou ke Ko Denny & Ci Debbie udh bantuin kita yg H-1 masih rempong urus ini itu hahaha, ci Mes, ko Ahong, dan smua yg assist ortu kita jg TOP . Gausa ragu deh kalo lg cari WO, serenity aja udh paling bener 😭🙏🏻

    Entertainment (Music)

    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    Band,  Trio, Orchestra
    What is the size of your musical ensemble?
    2 to 10 persons
    What music genres do you offer?
    R&B/Soul,  International,  Jazz,  Pop
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Pop,  R&B/Soul,  Acoustic
    What services do you offer?
    Instrumentals,  MC,  Reception music
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Yes we can provide entertainment out of town
    Do you have your own equipment?
    Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
    Disco ball,  Fog machine,  Lighting,  Microphones,  Projector,  Sound/PA system
    Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
    Wedding Planning

    What wedding planning services do you offer?
    Wedding planner and wedding D day
    What sizes of weddings have you coordinated in the past? Min? Max?
    min 150 pax max 2000 pax
    How many weddings do you plan a year?
    About 15-20 wedding
    Do you plan weddings internationally?
    yes we do
    How soon should I book your services?
    as soon as possible
    What is required for booking your services?
    booked deal and down payment
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    from morning till nite
    What service do you provide?
    Day of coordinator
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  International wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    We coordinate maks 3 couple per day..
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    Above 3-6 month before wedding day
    What makes your services unique?
    We like to see our groom and bride happy and not to be so rush on their big day.. And try to make their dreams wedding day happen.. Our team will always be d same and a few meeting will be ok for make "the couple big day" happen like what they like.. Try always understand each other and try to make it happen always
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    30 % for the first contract, the rest H-3 before the day
    When was your business established?
    Our business start way back at 2011., and we alwayas try to do mote mote better every year
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Whole day, Whole day
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Whole day, Whole day
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    We been doing some job with famous n humble person
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation,  Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning
    Jl. Duri kencana raya no 2 jakarta barat 11510

    We are grown up wedding planner who always try to do d best for groom n bride to make their special day like what their been dreaming of.. Always to do our best and give our best for our couple.. Keep learning and keep growing to make big day once in life time special and happen..

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.