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    Share your experience with Reptisco Leather

    Favors & Gifts

    What services do you offer?
    Leather Gift and Souvenir
    What type of items do you offer?
    Fashion accessories
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    minimum order is 5 each item
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    shipping cost paid by client
    Do you provide delivery services?
    expedition (shipping courier) determine by client
    Do you ship worldwide?
    shipping cost paid by client
    What is the charge for not reaching minimum?
    If you order less than our minimum requirements, you must contact us for the quotation. ----- ----- ----- Jika kamu memesan dibawah jumlah minimum order kami, silahkan anda menghubungi kami.
    What makes your services unique?
    Our product made of Real Reticulated Python Snakeskin with high quality leather. and make your wedding day more memorable. ----- ----- ----- Produk kami terbuat dari kulit ular Python Reticulatus Asli 100% dengan kualitas Grade A. dan akan menjadi pengingat unik untuk hari pernikahan Anda.
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    Depends on quantity that you ordered, inform us before ordering and we will inform you how long the delivery times is. ----- ----- ----- Tergantung dari jumlah kuantitas yang kamu pesan, hubungi kami terlebih dahulu dan kami akan menginformasikan kepada kamu seberapa lama waktu produk tersebut dikirim kepada kamu.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash, PayPal
    What is your payment terms?
    Client must pay 50% Down Payment when ordering, and pay when the item is ready to ship. ----- ----- ----- Kamu harus membayar DP 50% ketika memesan, dan lakukan pelunasan ketemu produk siap dikirim.
    Do you offer a limited catalogue of favours or custom wedding favours?
    Custom favours, add bridal initial on our product
    Do you offer samples?
    Yes we do offer samples and encourage you to order our samples of our product
    Do you have a return policy?
    If you need to return your order, the entire order must be sent back to us for a full refund
    What are your delivery times?
    Depends on quantity that you ordered, inform us before ordering and we will inform you how long the delivery times is
    When was your business established?
    Our business established in 2017. We want to present our unique product for bridal guest. ----- ----- ----- Perusahaan kami bediri pada tahun 2017. Kami ingin menyajikan produk unik kami untuk tamu pengantin.
    Jl. KP Jawa Malang 5B RT/RW 015/007, Kel. Keagungan, Kec. Taman Sari 11130

    And We Created You In Pairs, made in Jakarta. Premium quality leather accessories. Make your wedding day more memorable.

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