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Nayah Make Up Artist Review(s)
5 Review(s), sorted by :
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The One and Only MUA
Bersyukur waktu nikah pilih Nayah sebagai MUA nya. Aku tipe orang yg gak suka make up apalagi di sanggul
. karena karakter wajahku yg galak dan pipi ku yg chubby.. jd make up yg rada tebel dan sanggul its not my thing. Sering kapok dan not satisfied ketika harus make up full dan sanggul (wisuda, jadi bridesmaid) karena mukaku jd Galak, dan Sangat Bundar walopun katanya make upnya udah d tirusin.
Tapi beda bngt waktu di make up in Nayah. pertama Make Up sama Nayah pas acara lamaranku. aku d makeup dan d sanggul sama Nayah. Dari tangan ajaib Nayah hasil make upnya bagus bngt. Make Upnya flawless bngt.. dan gak terlihat chubby. Di Acara pernikahanku pun make up nya keren bngt! bener2 Stunning. banyak yg bilang cantik bngt dan pangling.. dan make upnya bertahan sampe acara selesai. (waktu itu muka ku padahal sedang berjerawat cukup banyak). Mungkin Nayah cuman satu2nya MUA yg cocok sama aku.. dan MUA yang bikin aku gak kapok dan pengen d make up lagi.
sedikit cerita ketika booked Nayah jad MUA pernikahanku,
Dimulai dari persiapan: Waktu itu aku dan suami (waktu itu msh CPP) bingung dengan rundown acaranya.. mau pake adat apaa.. mau siapa incharge.. karena waktu itu aku sama sekali gak pake WO.. niatnya mau bikin acara wedding yang simple aja. Bersyukurnya milih Nayah sebagai MUA karena Nayah juga bisa jadi tempat buat konsultasi mengenai pernikahan dan rundownnya. Nayah juga bantuin aku cari vendor2 lainnya.. seperti MC dan Band. dengan segala keribetan yg terjadi.. dan cuma aku yg ngurus pada saat itu.. sangat mempermudah aku ketika Rundown MC and Band bisa di arrange satu pintu yaitu dari Nayah.
Ketika acara pernikahan berlangsung, beda dari MUA wedding lainnya (dr pengalamaaan wedding sepupu2ku), Nayah selalu mendampingi bride nyaa.. gak hanya selesai make up trus d tinggal. Nayah selalu bantuin aku ketikka aku susah jalan pake high heels.. susah naik panggung.. susah pas sungkemannya, touch up make up pas udh mulai keringetan. thankyou Nayah

Recommended MUA for your wedding
Waktu search MUA untuk wedding, tiba2 kepincut sama Nayah Make Up di Instagram, testi2 di IGnya positif , dan foto2 contoh make upnya variatif...Ga cuma yang beforenya udah cantik. Yang mukanya biasa aja bisa jadi manglingin, dan yang udah cantik pastinya jd lebih cantik lagi...Hehe pas udah kontak, teh Nayahnya cukup fast response dan enak ngobrolnya, meski cuma via LINE. Langsung cuss ngeDP deh.. Alhamdulillah di hari H, pas dimake up sama teh Nayah , ga pake test make up udah langsung keren..Meskipun gaun dan kerudung aku cuma ada 1 untuk akad sekaligus resepsi, tapi teh Nayah pinter ngakalin di aksesorisnya biar keliatan beda. Yang lebih menyenangkan, teh Nayah orangnya humoris, santai, bisa nenangin kita yang waswas bin riweuh, tapi tetap on time dan fokus di hasil make upnya. Makasih banyak ya teteh, udah bikin aku cantik jadi ratu sehari, dua ibuku juga jadi cantik2 dan kelihatan mudaan :)
Terimakasiiiih nayaaahhh.. "Nayah MUA"
Nayah MUA kereeeen banget dan udah bikin aku cantik dan pangling...

The person you need on your big day
I was first introduced to her when I was about to have a prewedding photo session. I always have an idealistic concept and imagination for everything and will try so hard to make it true.. and for the photoshop, I had these 2 concepts I really would like to try. I told her that, and she understood so quickly and soon we were already on the same page.
During the photoshoot, she stayed with me for the whole day. She monitored the session and made sure that nothing went wrong in my appearance. She took action whenever a hair strand needed to be put in place or when I needed touch up. She also brought up the mood of the photoshoot so much you would feel glad you have her around. She put on some bolder makeup for my second concept of the photoshoot. Though I freaked out a little (mainly because I never had so much make up in my life before), she proved her knowledge and experience there- when the result of the pictures came out, I look exactly like i wanted to. This was why I had her again for my big day.
My holy matrimony was outdoor during day time, while dinner reception was.. of course night time, and outdoor as well. It was on the beach so wind and humidity were expected. However, the makeup stayed for the whole day and looked fantastic even until the day was over. The hairdo was super.. I love my looks that day and everyone else love it too. She knows how a person would look best and she listens to requests that I had. Like the hairdo I preferred, the make up style I liked. And you would just love what she does to you.
What I love about this girl is her energy and positiveness. She never loses that energy and would help me whenever I was in need. I found myself depending on her alot more than I depended on the bride assistant assigned to me. She stick around with me and made sure I appeared great in front of everyone. She was very cheerful and able to make me laugh even when a thing or two didnt go my way.
She was so great and lovely and her makeup work is fantastic. I only have positive thing to say about her :)

my wedding day wouldn't be perfect without her
Nayah is the best make up artist ever for me!!! MUA pertama yang bener2 ngerti apa yang gua mau...as a bride i wanted everything to be perfect for my special day, termasuk masalah make up! oleh karena itu, gw milih nayah karena she is a very nice girl, she knows whats best for you, she is very professional, she listens to whatever you say ........ and the most important thing is.......... she really makes effort to pleased the client! sebelum gw kenal nayah, gw selalu pusing nyari MUA yang cocok buat gw, because i have a brown-tanned skin, jadi dulu hampir setiap gw di make up in selalu aja jadi aneh karena muka gw ended up jadi putih (maksa) gitu ha ha..and i hate it! i love my brown skin to bits and i wanted to embrace it on my wedding day! so one day gw bilang ke nayah kalo gw pengen make up gw bener2 blended ama warna kulit gw..and trust me, normally they will make an excuse biar ga ribet harus nyiapin ini itu, tapi nayah emang one of a kind yah... demi wedding gw dia bela2in beli make up yang kayanya yang butuh itu cuma gw aja dan nyari nya pun ga gampang :') anddddd................voila! i ve had the best make up ever for my wedding, percis kaya apa yang gw mau, ga menor tapi wah banget (everybody said my make up was brilliant :-) ), make up nya nyatu banget sama warna kulit gw, dan tahan lama bangetttttt!!!! make up gw masih bagus banget dari mulai acara akad ampe beres, lalu ganti make up dari mulai resepsi (siang menjelang sore) sampe malemnya make up nya masih nempel dan masih bagus banget! bahkan setelah acara resepsi beres, gw lanjut after party sampe pagi, make up gw masih nempel and it was still perfectly good!
selain make up nya yang bagus banget, gw juga seneng banget sama nayah karena selain lucu dan baik, nayah banyak banget bantu gw dari mulai akad sampe acara resepsi beres (dari siang ampe malem). she always stayed next to me just to make sure everything is ok. bahkan pas acara resepsi yang harusnya dia bisa nyantai dan nikmatin acara (because i invited her as a guest as well) nayah malah terus stayed di samping aku dan selalu standby ngebenerin ini itu, ( i cant thank her enough for that :-) )
soooo kesimpulannya adalah, wedding is a very important day in your life, sekali seumur hidup! you gotta look perfect for your wedding day, jangan sampe nyesel di akhir and dont let anything like a bad make up ruined your day! so be wise when you choose every single thing for your wedding day, termasuk be wise saat milih MUA, and trust me you will never ever ever regret it if you have Nayah as your MUA! :-)
You are the best Nayah!!! xxxx
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