The Wedding | Eko & Sienny
oleh My Photography
Diperbarui pada 05 September 2017

It's A Love Thing “I thank you my Lord, now I finally got it right and I'll fight with all of my heart and all my soul and all my might” – Eko- Many people don’t believe love at first sight. People tend to judge it as too fast, irrational, and some even call it ‘puppy love’, but that is not the case with Eko and Sienny. Their love story is a unique tale of a couple, met during early age, went on to be separated, and finally, reunited in matrimony. It all started when Eko and Sienny were in the same elementary school. She was a born princess, adored and admired by many, and also the center of attention. Among the admirer, Eko was one of them. But alas, things didn’t always go as expected, they went their separate ways for quite some time. Everything seems to get hard, if not impossible, but perseverance and tenacity keeps his hope as it will never fade. Then one day, the universe decided to give this couple another chance. On that fortunate day they met again, reunited. Since then they committed themselves to taking care of each other before finally joining hands in marriage. “I could not tell if I loved you the on the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember looking at you, walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.” The pre-wedding shoot was taken last year in Singapore, and since then we haven’t met the couple until the wedding event itself. The matrimony was held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Comrad Hotel, with an exquisite garden party, and a fresh orange-colored gown for ladies of the family. An atmosphere of love and warmth in humility was spread all around as members of the family and friends gather and congratulate the couple. Best Regards, [My] Photography Photography by: Hanky Tanuwijaya
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