Prewedding | Fahmi & Sarah
by My Photography
Updated on 05 September 2017

My Promise To You “1. Thing I will never do is betray you. 2. Things I will always do is love and cherish you. 3. Words I won't stop telling you I LOVE YOU. My promise to you I will keep” -fahmi- A promise is to give an assurance of (something to someone); undertake (to do something) in the future. Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver. But how about love promise? What will you do if someone you love whisper their promise to your ear, to keep you for the rest of your life while hugging you tight? Right, of course. It will make your heart race at a hundred miles per hour and would halt to a stop. Your mouth like want to say “I want You, nothing more, nothing less”. Well, now we don’t think of love that’s for us but our heart is still touched when we see beauty of this kind of feeling shining on every people specially Sarah. Fahmi is romantic, extremely charming and incredibly generous man. He paid attention to the small details about Sarah, made room for romance part spontaneity and kissed Sarah in the forehead. That's what love is. In fact, keeping a promise is a difficult thing to do for many people, but his actions make the promise real. Imagine you were there while photographing their pre wedding? We should mention that we have been getting tons of “wows!”, photographed them like crazy. Can you see the pictures reflects all their romance? Spend an hour or two with them and we guarantee you will smiling at their love. Laughing at Fahmi’s techniques for flirting with Sarah and remembering what it was like to fall in love with your partner. They are just cute and so, so in love. It was a joy to be around and even better to photograph. How words can be so heartwarming? we love it. And it has brought us to the other side of the world, where it turns out, people love to see the same way as we do on this side. Fully, unabashed and without reservation. Cheers to that =) From this pre wedding, we learn a promise of love are meant to be kept, for they are like precious pearls in an ocean, their value is high and quality genuine and true, and once they are made, can never be broken. Thank you Fahmi and Sarah who teach us about promise. A promise that last forever. Best Regards, [My] Photography
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