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    MusikdiWedding Review(s)

    7 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Vivian Gwen
    02 May 2024 | Bride at Briand & Vivian Wedding

    Amazing Perfomance

    Terima kasih Musikdiwedding telah melengkapi acara pernikahan kami dengan alunan musik yang begitu merdu dan suara penyanyinya bagus, semua tamu undangan juga sangat terhibur dengan alunan music dan suara yang keren banget pastinya ...Musikdiwedding & Miracle WO bener bener perfect match! ga akan nyesel pokoknya kalau apa yang direcomend Ci Cindy emang PERFECTO pokoknya
    23 April 2024 | Client at I&C Wedding

    Top banget!

    One satisfied client right here 🙋 Bisa kasih rekomendasi urutan lagu sesuai mood. Musiknya bagus bgt & very enjoyable for our guests 🎶 hopefully see u next time yaa!
    28 November 2023 | Bride at Jovan & Vani Wedding


    Thank youuu Musik Di Wedding untuk support buat acara kami 🥰 Sangat membantu untuk resepsi kami yg lumayan besar up to 1000 pax dengan full band yg luar biasa meriah tapi ngga berlebihan 👍🏻 Soal musikalitas udah gaperlu diragukan👌🏻 Kebetulan kami berdua super picky sama lagu & musik, tapi Musik Di Wedding bisa menyesuaikan ke-BM-an kami berdua. Once again, thank you so much Musik Di Wedding! Semoga makin sukses 🫰🏻🫶🏻✨
    15 November 2023 | Bride at Sheilla & Ivan Wedding

    Thank you❤️

    Terima kasih Musikdiwedding telah melengkapi acara pernikahan kami dengan musik irama lagu yang sangat indah dan sesuai harapan kami, alunan saxophone yang mengalun begitu indah, suara penyanyinya bagus, sangat meningkatkan mood untuk acara kami. Musikdiwedding & Miracle WO= perfect match! Tinggal request aja mau tema apa pasti bisa :D ! Sukses terus musikdiwedding & miracle WO!
    Yunita Suryani
    26 October 2023 | Bride at Tony & Yunita Wedding

    Amazing performance

    Thank you for your amazing performance at our wedding! I only gave them song lists and they arranged the music perfectly. The singer has beautiful voice, all the other musicians are great too. Good job!

    Vendor Reply

    06 November 2023
    Yunitaaaa ❤️❤️ thank you so much !
    fedrian hermana
    08 August 2023 | Groom at Fedrian & Monica Wedding

    Thank you MusikdiWedding

    Ci Cindy & Team berhasil buat kita terharu bahkan sejak check sound baru di mulai. Thank you udah bawain lagu lagu yang kita pengen dengan sangat sangat bagus. Kualitas sound yang bagus bikin nyaman di kuping dan ngebuat suasana wedding lebih santai tapi tetap elegan 👍🏻

    Vendor Reply

    08 August 2023
    Helloo Fedrian & Monica ! Thank you for your kind words 🫶🏻🫶🏻 masuk ke kupingnya manis manja gituu yaa sopan banget 😂😂 see you yaa Rian & Monic .. sukses terus buat kalian berdua yaa ❤️

    Entertainment (Music)

    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    Accoustic, Orchestra,  Band
    What music genres do you offer?
    Strings,  Big band,  Oldies,  Gospel,  Orchestra,  Hip hop,  Pop,  Jazz,  R&B/Soul
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    50 % after confirmation of contract, 50 % 1 month before event.
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    R&B/Soul,  Strings,  Big band
    What is the size of your musical ensemble?
    2 persons to 20 persons
    What services do you offer?
    Instrumentals,  MC,  Reception music
    Do you have your own equipment?
    Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
    Sound/PA system,  Microphones
    Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    8 months in advance would be great
    Jl. Sawo No. 11A Jakarta Pusat 10610

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.