Elysian Photo X Luxe Bridal
by Elysian Photo
Updated on 25 October 2017

What makes a photograph long last? Is it because the moment that always stay the same whenever we looked at it? I think that's the answer. When we decided to start something new, there's always doubt in our mind. Can we really do this? Will people love our work? Until I've reached at some point or you can say revelation that we could never satisfy all of our client. All we can do is do our best. And that is what we're trying to do. Okay, I think I need to stay focus here, hehe, so recently we do some project with one of our friend, partner or anything that you want to call us, which is Luxe Bridal. Perhaps both of us still a newcomer in our line of job, but isn't all of us start as a newcomer, and slowly but sure we will achieve at some point we're become professional. Passion is what drives us to keep doing what we love and trying to be better at doing it. So without further a due, here's the result of our project. Oh! Almost forgot, you can rent gown from Luxe Bridal and perhaps if you need any make up just search on instagram @luxe.bridal & don't forget to follow their instagram and ours @elysian.photo
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