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Marry Daddy's Little Girl - Dody Santoso & Meisa Tania's Wedding
by Little Collins Video

Updated on 11 October 2017

A MUST WATCH WEDDING FILM!!! I said it in advance because this video really inspired us, Little Collins Video, as a team . While we shot this video, laughter, cries and smiles had been coloring Dody and Meisa's special day. We were wondering why we were so sentimental as a team that day. The answer is so simple because we just saw the real love from parents to their children. Meisa's father has a sincere heart that touch everybody on the holy matrimony and reception. The way he walked on the aisle and brought Meisa into the altar. The way he danced with her on the reception. These simple gestures show us great love. The touching moments don't stop only at the reception. While we were editing this video, our heart was touched by Meisa and Dody's sweet words to parents. I couldn't hold myself to call my parents directly to just saying thank you. This simple video is a reflection for all of us to always embrace our life. We have to do the best in our life because our parents have raised us with the best effort. Respect your life as you respect your parents. Rangga Kioe

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