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" ROMANTIC PLACE" Edwin & Felicia pre wedding by biljay
by Lexia Pictures

Updated on 27 February 2015

Classic & Romantic When the next month that will be our wedding day with new journey, I prepare my fondest memories along with Edwin. For 8 years I tried to continue with him and hope one day to be with him wearing a beautiful dress. Sound an alarm clock beep so loudly. Wake me up to get ready to go prepare prewed us today. Gorgeous dress from Chan Bride me makes this be a fun day unforgettable photos together. " Felicia Vintage atmosphere, I want my show for this happy couple. Looking at each side of the beautiful buildings in this place. With a supportive atmosphere, the sun slowly rise and illuminate the sides of buildings. We really thank God for the day were very friendly and fun. I hope you enjoy the results with hearts delight. cheers, biljay Lexia Pictures @lexiapics

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