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Le Blanc Wedding Planner & Organizer Review(s)
23 Review(s), sorted by :
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Intimate Wedding
Such a great and well planned organizer.
we only submit our budget to this WO and the result is great.
place, decoration, makeup, run down, check list items, etc they suggest and propose the vendor to us. we just decide the option they suggest to us.
we are happy and feel worth it, to have a such a wonderful event with this vendor.
Vendor Reply
06 January 2023
Hi Jansen & Shelly. Thank you so much for your efforts to give such a positive feedback for Le Blanc WO. Review kalian akan jadi penyemangat kami untuk selalu lebih baik lagi ke depannya. God bless your marriages! Keep in touch ya :)

Intimate Wedding
Impian kami adalah intimate wedding dan pas banget di saat ini gag bisa undang terlalu banyak kerabat dan teman. Le blanc mewujudkan impian kami berdua. Mulai dari cari tempat sesuai budget, pilih vendor, semuanya amazing banget.
Dan bbrp hari sebelum hari H hingga di hari H saya lbh amaze dengan semua service dan detail hal2 yang tidak terpikirkan dan ternyata semuanya disiapkan oleh WO.
Keren banget Le blanc.
Sukses terus.
Tuhan Yesus memberkati
Vendor Reply
03 June 2022
Hi Krisna & Dewi, Thank you so much for taking the time to send this! Team Le Blanc WO happy banget baca testimonial kalian berdua karena kebahagiaan pasangan yang kami layani adalah prioritas utama dan yang terpenting. Dan senang sekali mengetahui kalian bahagia dan puas dengan jasa Le Blanc WO diacara pernikahan kalian.
Le Blanc WO selalu berusaha yang terbaik untuk membuat pengalaman bahagia yang tak terlupakan di hari pernikahan, dan bersyukur kalau kami berhasil melakukannya dengan baik. Tuhan Yesus berkati pernikahan kalian selalu ya. GBU

Cocktail Party
6 hari persiapan dan beres. Sangat memuaskan. Jadi ceritanya kami sudah siap acara pemberkatan dan resepsi. Namun dpt info ternyata overcapacity dan kami memutuskan bikin party lagi. Gamau terlalu overbudget sejujurnya, tapi yah pengen bgt celebrate sama sahabat-sahabat, nah lgsung deh hub Ci Greni dan Ci Yen dia gercep bsoknya survey lokasi, decor, org venue Bar Hotel, kamar, timnya dia (Le Blanc), video, foto, DJ, Band, MC, Bartender, gak nyangka akan pull this off, krn waktunya mepet bgt dan aku sangat sibuk. Jadi smua aku serahkan ke Le Blanc. Sampe yg bukan tugas mreka pun mreka mau bantu jga. Thankful for Le Blanc. Very helpful dan soal harga terbuka banget. Kalo hasil acaranya gimna liat di IG nya aja. <3 Daniel&Felisa
Vendor Reply
05 March 2022
Hi Daniel & Felisa,
Thank you sudah memberikan review untuk Le Blanc. Senang banget bisa bantu as Planner di acara kalian. Daniel & Felisa with Core Family very nice and humble. Bikin acaranya jadi super fun dan smooth.
Enjoy your marriage life ya! Kiranya Tuhan terus berkati pernikahan kalian dengan kebahagiaan, cinta dan kasih sayang. GBU

SANGJIT 12.11.21
hello Le Blanc,
makasih banget udah memilih aku untuk menang giveaway dan aku sangat bersyukur sangjitku berjalan dengan lancar,
apalagi aku dan calonku saat itu telat dateng ke venue hahaha, untung bgt ada kalian yg bantu handle om tante ku..
makasih juga udah bantu aku dan calonku yg clueless dg tradisi Medan yg sebelumnya belum pernah aku tau,
merasa sangat dapat pencerahan setelah meeting, discuss soal rundown dan segala hal.
makasih karena kalian sangat helpful, aku tanya apapun pasti dijawab dan fast response.
gak kebayang deh untuk organized acaraku yg "gratis" aja kalian sebaik, serapih dan seprofessional itu, apalagi kalo bayar yakan hihihi
sukses terus Le Blanc! Thank you so much to Ci Vivi, Ci Grenny dan Ci Yenny. GBU all!
Vendor Reply
16 November 2021
Hi Febi, thank you so much for taking the time to provide review. Terima kasih untuk 5 - star reviewnya dan apresiasinya. Sekali lagi congratulation ya sudah menang acara giveaway yang diadakan Le Blanc WO. Kami senang sekali bisa bantu diacara Sangjit kalian. Semoga review ini bisa semakin menyemangati Le Blanc untuk memberikan service yang terbaik. Look forward to seeing you again soon. Best Wishes.

Sangjit Organizer
Thankyou so much ci Greni & ci Yeni for helping me to prepare my Sangjit Day. Opt for a simple Sangjit Day tapi tetep aja ternyata ribet dan untung banget ada yg aturin. ini Organizer merangkap MC pula serba bisa deh bikin acara jadi rame dan alurnya jelas 😁👌 Step untuk tradisi dari berbagai macam aliran juga mereka tau dan bisa bantu kasih masukan hehe Thankyou !! ❤❤
Vendor Reply
16 November 2021
Hi Ari & Steffi. Thank you so much for your 5-star review! Happy banget bisa bantu diacara Sangjit kalian. Seneng sekali kalau kalian puas dengan kinerja kami dihari Sangjit kalian. Tuhan berkati terus ya hubungan kalian dan dilancarkan sampai hari H. Best wishes!

Best WO for your Wedding Day
Kenal Le Blanc 2 tahun lalu, awalnya dari hasil research vendor dan kebetulan salah 1 teman kantor ada menggunakan jasa WO Le Blanc.
Bersyukur bisa ketemu Le Blanc yang trusted dan udah punya experience dari 2014.
Persiapan Wedding kami bisa dibilang cukup rumit dikarenakan beberapa kali perlu re-plan karena pandemic, juga kami clueless untuk persiapannya, dan karena beberapa kali replan perlu negosiasi dengan berbagai vendor.
Bener-bener terbantu dengan jasa WO Le Blanc dari persiapan kami, dipertemukan dengan vendor2 terbaik (Bridal, Decor, Entertainment, Cake, Catering).
Sampai akhirnya wedding kami diadakan di 17 Oct 2021, amazed sekali dengan koordinasi tim Le Blanc before the Day dan during the Day. Kami bener2 no worries karena segala sesuatunya on time dan gak ada yang miss baik dari detail perlengkapan, koordinasi dengan vendor, run down semuanya baik.
Buat couples yang sedang merencanakan pernikahan, kami sangat merekomendasikan Le Blanc WO sebagai planner dan juga WO di hari H.
Thank you Le Blanc sekali lagi untuk bantuannya selama 2 tahun terakhir ini, it feels like a family not only a Wedding Planner services.
Cheers, Sukses selalu ke depannya.
Raymond & Rena,
Vendor Reply
02 November 2021
Wahhh sweet banget reviewnya....senang banget baca review kalian ini dan sangat memotivasi kami untuk terus bisa lebih baik lagi ke depannya. Kita juga merasa sangat happy dan terberkati sudah bisa membantu diacara pernikahan kalian. Acaranya pun sangat intimate dan buat kita ikutan terharu hehe....Keep in touch ya Raymond & Rena. God bless your marriages life.
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Wedding Planning
What service do you provide?
Full planning, Partial planning, Intimate Wedding, Holy Matrimony, Engagement, Sangjit, Wedding Anniversaries, Day of coordinator
What sort of planning do you cover?
Detailed task checklist, Attendee list preparation, Venue selection, Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept, Rehearsal dinner planning, Budget preparation, Ceremony planning, Wedding Rundown, Intensive meeting include Technical Meeting with Vendor, Wedding Report
What is your primary expertise?
, Intimate wedding, Grand wedding, ,
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
(30 Persons) to (5000 Persons)
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Yes ,
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Yes ,
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Yes ,
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Yes ,
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
The most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 2-12 months prior to the wedding, The most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 6-12 months prior to the wedding
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
The most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 2-12 months prior to the wedding, The most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 6-12 months prior to the wedding
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
Depends on package
What makes your services unique?
Le Blanc is tailored around our clients and we work in whatever way suits you and your lifestyle. We will ensure we offer venues and suppliers that reflect the type of celebration you require and within your budget. Once the venue is secured we will together fill in the details: from the ceremony and reception design, flowers, stationary, food and photography, to your wedding day attire, entertainment, the cake, transport and the honeymoon. We can arrange a personalized wedding website, introductions to stylists and make-up artists, assistance with guest accomodation and a full concierge service for you and your guests. We will manage and oversee your celebration to ensure it runs seamlessly.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
20% Down Payment
30% 6 months before the weddings
50% 1 month before the weddings
When was your business established?
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
Grand Tropic Suite #10
Jl Letjend S Parman Kav 3
West Jakarta 11470 11470
Le Blanc is a wedding planning consultancy that specialises in creating beautiful weddings that reflect your personality and transform your ideas into reality. We plan elegant, stylish, glamorous, and fun celebrations.
Le Blanc Wedding Planner & Organizer is featured in 2 Bridestory Blog articles:
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