Our Exclusive Package
by Kotak Imaji
Updated on 01 May 2018, Jakarta

Good news to all Bride and Groom to be. We will help you to create your best story become awesome. We have an interesting Exclusive Package for your Wedding Documentation. In this package you will get: Service: Day 1: - 2 Photographers (@ 8 hours) - 1 Videographer (@ 8 hours) Day 2: - 3 Photographers (@ 8 hours) - 1 Videographer (@ 8 hours) - 1 Mini Studio - 1 Screen 3x4 m & Projector 5000 Lumens - 1 Live Video - 2 TV Plasma - 1 Photobooth (350 pcs @ 3 hours) • Output: - 1 Album (30x40 cm, 40 pages) - 3 Canvas (60x40 cm) - 1 Photo Flashdisk (60 edited photos & all photos) - 1 Video Flashdisk (3-5 minutes cinematic highlight video & 40-60 minutes documentation video) - 1 Same Day Edit Video (3 minutes highlight video) • Compliment: - Pre-Wedding Photo (@ 4 hours) - Invitation Video - Teaser Video (for Instagram) ________________________________ For more info, please contact us: - +62 812 77 013 994 (Nina) - E-mail: hello@kotakimaji.com ________________________________ #SharingTheHappiness #FramingTheUntold #Photography #Videography #Wedding #PreWedding #WeddingPhotography #PreWeddingPhotography #KotakImaji #Jakarta #Bali #Indonesia
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