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Kissing you is like dancing in the rain
by IMAGE Decoration

Updated on 30 October 2017, The Bay Ballroom

Wedding of Tommy & Angel @tom_mulio @angelwjy 20.05.17 Venue: @thebayballroom Gown: @by_fettyrusli Crown: @rinaldyyunardi Brushed by: @momogi Suit: @agusslim Photos: @loxiaphoto @benedictus_lee Video: @ygpfilms @yopi_ygpfilms Mom's dress: @stellalunardy Mom's MUA: @herniluni_mua Bridesmaids' dresses: @valedagown Bridesmaids' MUA: @ivmakeup_ Decor: @image_decor Bouquet: @atrinasoendoro Lightning: @orionprolight Souvenirs: @momogifts Invitations: @honeycards Caterer: @baliindahcatering Entertainment: @davidentertainment Choir: @voiceofgreatmoments Cake: @eiffelcake Ushers: @stilettopagarayu Car: @tokiorentcar Dried flowers: @ladolcevita_bouquet Nail arts: @felizenailart

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