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Tirta & Candra - Graha Tirta Siliwangi - 23 Juli 2017
oleh Zulfa Catering

Diperbarui pada 08 November 2017, Bandung

The wedding of Tirta and Candra last night is nothing but pure joy and warmth. Everything about the day is absolutely marvelous. The decorations that's done beautifully, all the dresses, the guests, the music and the dances. When you see so many people admiring and feeling the happiness of the couple, then you know that their love has spread not only between their loving family but also anyone that they come across. And here we hope you love keeps blooming and your happiness always warm your way through the darks and the colds. Just remember that your love has inspired many. We are happy to be a part of your blessed day. Thank you for trusting us

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