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    Vendor yang pernah bekerja sama Anda

    Weddingscape Ulasan

    28 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    Rony Sarono MC, Music Performance, Event Planner
    13 Februari 2023 | Vendor rekanan di Pernikahan

    jepretan mantap, transfer file cepat, harga bersahabat

    Saya merekomendasikan weddingscape sebagai photographer untuk mengabadikan momen bahagiamu. Hasil jepretan mantap, transfer file cepat, harga bersahabat.
    Yellow Duck
    06 Januari 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan K & A


    Pengalaman yang menyenangkan bersama Weddingscape. Dari awal chatting selalu fast respon dan friendly. Saat sesi photography juga dibantu arahin gaya yg bagus2. Rekomen utk teman2 lain. Thx Weddingscape.
    22 November 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Ibtisam

    worth it

    Kak fajar orgnya komunikatif, dan menurutku itu paling penting. Videonya sedikit ga sesuai ekspektasi, karena bookingnya dadakan. Tapi untungnya kak fajar mau tanggung jawab untuk ganti editornya, jadi terselamatkan :) . Saran aku lain kali request aja jangan mau sama videografer yg kameranya kurang mumpuni. Dan untuk kak fajar mungkin harus di jelaskan dari awal kalau ketika videografernya pakai kamera jadul jadi yg mau booking tau resikonya di depan. But generally untuk harga segini worth it bgt kok.
    Genevieve Felicia
    09 Juli 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Ivander & Felicia

    Love it

    Thank you weddingscape for helping us to capture our best moments ever Kak Fajar is really helpful about our needs alongside to our holy matrimony and reception The photos and videos are really good and we're really satisfied with their work even tho the price are really affordable Really recommended
    30 Mei 2022 | Client di Pernikahan Lion & Tanti


    Weddingscape rekomen utk pasangan pengantin yg butuh dokumentasi foto dgn bugdet minim. Hasil jepretan fotonya baik, walaupun dikejar deadline utk move dari lokasi satu ke lokasi lainnya. Fotografernya asik dan easy going. Sukses trs utk Weddingscape, a.k.a Fajar.
    *GPS*Reska 78
    27 Mei 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan eka & EnjeL

    the best

    Good Job Vendor.!! Sangat Puas Dengan Pelayanannya hari pernikahan sodaraku berjalan lancar. Team Sangat komunikatif dan easy to work with. Sangat Rekomended.!!


    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Digital files,  Hi-Res image
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    konfirmasi satu minggu sebelumnya
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    speed posing, speed editing
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    ya, di wakilkan
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer, PayPal
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Candid,  Natural,  Black and White,  Conceptual,  Journalism,  Portraiture, International
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    International,  Candid,  Natural
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Seluruh wilayah pulau jawa dan bali, serta negara asia seperti jepang, korea, singapura dan china
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    all files no edit
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    konfirmasi satu minggu sebelumnya
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    kami lebih suka mereka menikmati pesta pernikahan dan menampilkan senyum bahagia secara natural dan kami akan memotretnya pada saat bersamaan
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    berdasarkan paket yang kami tawarkan dengan catatan kenaikan tarif per 6 bulan
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    foto tidak di edit akan kami kirimkan setelah acara selesai atau paling lambat H+1
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    foto di edit akan selesai dalam waktu 3 - 6 jam setelah client memiliih foto mana yang mau di edit
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    sebaiknya 3 bulan sebelum acara namun kami tetap menerima pesanan sampai H-3
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    salah satu vendor terbaik di
    What makes your services unique?
    kami memiliki metode unik mulai dari proses booking sampai foto selesai diberikan kepada client. kami satu satunya vendor yang memberikan hasil tercepat dalam hitungan jam
    What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
    Biasanya makan di sediakan oleh pihak WO atau client
    What is your payment terms?
    25% sebagai down payment, sisa pembayaran harus selesai H-7
    When was your business established?
    sejak september 2018
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage

    What do your packages include?
    Edited video,  High definition video,  Multiple cameras,  Multiple videographers,  Ceremony,  Reception,  Same day edit video
    What videography styles do you specialize in?
    Cinematic,  Documentary,  Traditional
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Tidak termasuk biaya akomodasi, transportasi dan lokasi
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    konfirmasi sekitar H-7
    Do you do a same day edit?
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    Do you provide raw footage to the client?
    Do you have a replacement videographer in case you become unavailable on the event day?
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    Ya konfirmasi sekitar H-7
    When was your business established?
    sejak tahun 2019
    What is your payment terms?
    30% DP dan pelunasan paling lambat H+7 setelah acara
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, PayPal, Cash
    What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
    Kami akan istrihat saat retouching dan wajib menyediakan makanan
    What makes your services unique?
    High Quality tapi low budget
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    belum ada
    How many people do you have in your team to handle a wedding?
    Maksimal 4 Orang
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Mohon menghubungi H-90
    How long does it take for the client to get the final video?
    14 Hari setelah pelunasan
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    Rp 2.000.000 per acara
    How do you direct the couple when you are capturing their moments of their wedding?
    Let them be
    Jl. Semangka 3 Rt. 13 Rw 09 No 55 Kel Jati Pulo Kec Palmerah Jakarta 11430 11430

    Weddingscape is exclusive kami mempersiapkan semuanya untuk hari besar pernikahan. dari satu pernikahan ke pernikahan selanjutnya, kami selalu menemukan senyum bahagia dari setiap pasangan dan keluarganya. kami ingin tidak hanya orang yang hadir pada saat itu yang merasakan aura kebahagiaan dari sebuah prosesi pernikahan. kami ingin setiap orang yang melihat kembali kejadian tersebut melalui sebuah foto atau video, ikut merasakan suasana bahagia ketika itu. with passion weddingscape

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.