PreWedding Photography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Service in London, England
oleh TheSnapshotCafe
Diperbarui pada 20 September 2024, London

另一個美麗的倫敦婚紗攝影日!這次我們有幸為一對來自香港的新人提供服務,不僅為他們拍攝婚紗照和影片,還提供了新娘的髮型和化妝服務。 這一天開始得很早,大約在凌晨3點,我們在他們的酒店房間為新娘新郎打扮。接著我們前往倫敦市中心,在兩個標誌性的地點——皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳和攝政公園進行了第一部分的拍攝。之後,我們回到酒店,為新娘進行了第二次髮型和化妝,為下一個拍攝地點——倫敦塔橋做準備。 在前往格林威治的舊皇家海軍學院和女王宮殿之前,我們進行了最後一套造型更換,完美地結束了這一天的拍攝。 憑藉我們多年來在婚紗攝影和婚禮攝影方面的經驗,我們協助這對情侶計劃了拍攝地點和時間安排,並建議了拍攝的最佳時間,確保一切都在預算和時間允許的範圍內。 這一天按照計劃順利進行,我們對一切的成果感到非常滿意。祝願這對新人永遠幸福快樂! 我們提供攝影、錄影以及新娘髮型和化妝服務,為您的愛情故事留下一次難忘的回憶。歡迎瀏覽我們的網站、Facebook 和 Vimeo 頁面,欣賞更多的照片和影片! 謝謝 Another beautiful pre-wedding photoshoot in London! This time, we had the pleasure of working with a lovely couple from Hong Kong, providing not only photography and videography but also our bridal hair and makeup services. The day began early, around 3am, in the couple’s hotel room, where we prepped the bride with her first look and groomed the groom. We then headed into Central London, capturing stunning shots at two iconic spots: Royal Albert Hall and Regent’s Park. Afterward, we returned to the hotel for a second hair and makeup session to refresh the bride’s look for the next location—Tower Bridge. The final style change took place before heading to the Old Royal Naval College and Queen’s House in Greenwich, wrapping up the day. With our years of experience in pre-wedding and wedding photography, we helped the couple plan their locations and shooting schedule, suggesting ideal times for the best light and ensuring everything fit within their budget and time allowance. The day unfolded perfectly, just as planned, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with how everything turned out. We wish the couple a lifetime of happiness and love! We offer photography, videography, and bridal hair and makeup services to capture your once-in-a-lifetime love story. Feel free to explore more of our work on our website, Facebook, and Vimeo pages! #結婚写真 #混血兒 #情侣 #异地恋 #国际情侣 #國際戀愛 #異地戀 #royalalberthall #regentspark #towerbridge #towerbridgephotography #towerbridgeprewedding #oldroyalnavalcollege #queenshouse #queenshouseroyalmuseumsgreenwich #greenwich #hongkongphotography #hongkongbride #hongkongbrides #hongkongbridal #hongkongbridalshop #hongkongbridemakeup #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingphotography #londonpreweddingphotographer #londonpreweddingphotography #weddingphotographerlondon #weddingphotographylondon #preweddingphotographerlondon #preweddingphotographylondon #londonpreweddingmakeup #londonpreweddingmakeupartist #londonpreweddingmakeupservice #preweddingmakeuplondon #preweddingmakeupartistlondon #preweddingmakeupservicelondon #婚紗 #婚紗攝影 #自助婚紗 #手工婚紗 #婚紗景點 #自然婚紗風格 #打卡景點 #婚紗照 #婚紗相 #婚紗寫真 #婚紗推薦 #婚紗外景 #婚紗外拍 #婚紗禮服 #婚紗照推薦 #簡単ヘアアレンジ #婚紗工作室 #自主婚紗 #仙女製造機 #parisweddingphotographer #paris
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