Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Season in Paris and Prague
oleh TheSnapshotCafe
Diperbarui pada 19 Juli 2023, Prague (Hlavni Mesto Praha)

巴黎和布拉格-兩個最美,有情調的婚紗、婚禮和蜜月拍攝目的地。 去年,我們在3個月內去了7次這兩個城市,為我們的海外新人提供我們的服務,包括攝影、錄像、髮型設計和化妝。 尤其珍惜與來自香港、新加坡和馬來西亞的新人在一起的時光。 我們位於英國倫敦。 這就是為什麼我們能夠輕鬆到達許多其他歐洲城市以提供我們的服務。 除了布拉格和巴黎,我們還去過很多其他歐洲城市。 我們去過的一些城市充滿了歷史、綠色植物、燦爛的自然美景和建築。 這些為我們情侶的照片和錄像剪輯提供了令人難以忘懷的背景。 想和我們一起去卡帕多奇亞、土耳其棉花堡、西班牙巴塞羅那和塞維利亞、意大利托斯卡納、佛羅倫薩、米蘭、巴勒莫、威尼斯、羅馬和大英帝國的西西里島、愛丁堡、都柏林和貝爾法斯特英國及北愛爾蘭及愛爾蘭共和國哥德堡、阿姆斯特丹、聖托里尼、布達佩斯、瑞典布魯日等城市、荷蘭、希臘、匈牙利、比利時等歐洲國家進行拍攝嗎? 請隨時查看我們的 Facebook 頁面和我們的網站,查看我們來自所有這些城市的情侶照片和錄像! Paris and Prague. Two of the most fabulous destinations for pre-wedding, wedding and honeymoon shoot. Last year, we went to these two cities 7 times within 3 months, to provide our service for our Overseas couples, including photography, videography, hair styling and makeup. Especially cherish our time with couples from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. We are based in London, UK. That's why we are able to reach many other European cities easily for providing our service. Besides Prague and Paris, we have been to so many other European cities as well. Some of the cities we have been to are full of history, greenery, resplendent with its natural beauties, and architecture. These serve as an incredible backdrop for our couples' photos and video clips. Would you like to go with us for an adventure in Cappadocia, Pamukkale in Turkey, Barcelona and Seville in Spain, Tuscany, Florence, Milan, Palermo, Venice, Rome in Italy and Sicily, Edinburgh, Dublin and Belfast in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland, Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Santorini, Budapest, Bruges cities in Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Hungary, Belgium European countries Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and our website to see our couples photos and videos from all those cities! #londonpreweddingphotographer #parispreweddingphotographer #praguepreweddingphotographer #香港婚禮 #香港婚禮攝影 #香港婚紗攝影 #香港婚紗相 #海外婚紗攝影 #婚禮攝錄 #和服拍攝 #婚紗照 #婚紗攝影 #婚禮攝影 #婚攝 #日本 #樱花 #巴黎 #布拉格 #佛羅倫斯 #告白 #overseaprewedding #hkbridetobe #光影文字 #相片說故事 #沖繩 #布達佩斯 #CausewayBaypreweddingphotographer #HappyValleypreweddingphotographer #KowloonTongpreweddingphotographer #Parispreweddingphotography #Parispreweddingphotographer #praguepreweddingphotography #praguepreweddingphotographer #pragueprewedding #praguepreweddinghairmakeup #pragueweddingphotography #hongkongpreweddingphotographer #hongkongweddingphotographer #hongkongpreweddinghairmakeup #hongkongweddingphotography #singaporepreweddingphoto #hkpreweddingphotography #hkpreweddingphotographer #歐洲旅拍 #巴黎婚紗 #自助婚紗 #銅鑼灣婚禮攝影師 #銅鑼灣婚紗攝影師 #灣仔婚禮攝影師 #灣仔婚紗攝影師 #半山區婚禮攝影師 #半山區婚紗攝影師 #西環婚禮攝影師 #西環婚紗攝影師 #赤柱婚禮攝影師 #赤柱婚紗攝影師 #淺水灣婚禮攝影師 #淺水灣婚紗攝影師 #跑馬地婚禮攝影師 #跑馬地婚紗攝影師 #太古婚禮攝影師 #尖沙咀婚紗攝影師 #觀塘婚禮攝影師 #觀塘婚紗攝影師 #praguepreweddingphotographer #Parispreweddingphotography #Parispreweddingphotographer #Parisweddingphoto
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