Hong Kong Bride and Scottish Groom's Wedding Day Photography, Videography, and Full Package Hair & Makeup Service in central London, England
oleh TheSnapshotCafe
Diperbarui pada 17 Januari 2025, London

我們為一位充滿活力且美麗的香港新娘和一位友善的蘇格蘭-法國混血新郎提供了婚禮攝影、錄影以及新娘、伴娘和親屬的化妝和髮型服務,見證了他們在倫敦牛津街和帕丁頓最幸福的一天。 http://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ 我們一大早就開始為新娘和其他女士進行化妝和髮型設計。當美麗的新娘準備好後更加光彩奪目,我們在希爾頓倫敦帕丁頓酒店迷人的房間內進行了一場親密的新娘和親友的攝影。 完成了酒店部份,我們前往教堂。這對新人在倫敦市中心最具標誌性的教堂之一——蘭漢坊萬靈堂舉行了完整的婚禮儀式。 https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ 我們在倫敦華人教會中認識了一些熟悉的面孔也在這婚禮中。 儘管這對新人住在薩里郡,但他們的教會社區朋友特地來到蘭漢坊萬靈堂為婚禮演唱詩歌。來自埃普瑟姆的合唱團以及來自法國的另一個合唱團在儀式中演出。牧師還將講道翻譯成粵語,這些都展現了這對新人對傳統及不同文化賓客的尊重。 http://www.ukchineseweddingphotography.com 新人為賓客準備了各種蛋糕、甜點、咖啡和茶點,這在我們曾見證的婚禮中並不常見,但卻是一個令人愉悅的亮點。 在漫長的教堂儀式後,所有人一同唱起《奇異恩典》,並在教堂外拍攝了五彩紙屑照片。我們還在教堂前組織了一次大合影,儘管牛津街的交通川流不息,我們拍攝了許多美麗的照片,路人也為這對幸福的新人喝彩和鼓掌。 回到酒店後,宴會廳已經準備就緒,但我們首先完成了一場浪漫的雙人拍攝,背景是帕丁頓的壯麗景色。 隨後,我們捕捉了切蛋糕及這對新人的第一支舞,整個過程順利且圓滿。 我們致力於捕捉婚禮中的每一個重要細節。除了提供攝影和攝像服務,我們還提供新娘化妝和髮型設計服務,確保您的大日子難以忘懷。 如果您正在籌備婚禮並尋找專業團隊來記錄您的愛情故事,我們將非常榮幸成為您慶典的一部分。 立即聯繫我們,創造能夠珍藏一生的回憶! 祝福這對可愛的新人永遠幸福、充滿愛! We provided wedding photography, videography, and a full package service for bridal, bridesmaids, and relatives' hair and makeup to a very energetic and pretty Hong Kong bride and a friendly Scottish-French groom on their happiest day in Oxford Street and Paddington, central London. We started in the morning, on the hair and makeup of the bride and other ladies with the utmost professionalism. Once the beautiful bride was ready and even more radiant, we began an intimate bridal photoshoot and filming in the charming hotel room at the Hilton London Paddington Hotel. The couple held their full-length wedding ceremony at one of central London’s most iconic churches, All Souls Langham Place. Following the long church ceremony, the group sang Amazing Grace, had the confetti shot outside the church. It was a challenging but rewarding task, as the bustling Oxford Street traffic kept flowing. Back at the hotel, the banquet room was ready, but we first completed a romantic couple photoshoot on the hotel rooftop, featuring a stunning view of Paddington. Alongside photography and videography, we offer bridal hair and makeup services to ensure your day is truly unforgettable. If you’re planning your wedding and looking for professionals to document your love story, we would be honoured to be part of your celebration! #hiltonlondonpaddington #hiltonlondonpaddingtonhotel #allsoulslanghamplace #allsoulslanghamplacechurch #allsoulschurchlanghamplace #oxfordcircus #oxfordstreet #regentstreet #london #centrallondon #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography #weddingphotographerlondon #allsoulslanghamplaceweddingphoto #allsoulslanghamplacechurchweddingphoto #hiltonlondonpaddingtonweddingphotos #hiltonlondonpaddingtonhotelweddingphotos #weddingvideographerlondon #weddingphotographylondon #weddingvideographylondon #EiffelTowerproposalphotoshoot #EiffelTowerpreweddingphotoshoot #londonweddingdayphoto #londonweddingdayphotoshoot #londonweddingdayphotography #londonweddingdayphotographer #londonweddingdayvideo #london
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